Design, implement and test a Java class Inheritance hierarchy that would satisfy the following is-a and has-a relationships: ï‚·A Shape is an object ï‚·A TwoDimensionalShape is a Shape ï‚·A ThreeDimensionalShape is a Shape ï‚·A Circle is a TwoDimensionalShape ï‚·A Square is a
TwoDimensionalShape ï‚·A Triangle is a TwoDimensionalShape ï‚·A Rectangle is a TwoDimensionalShape ï‚·A Sphere is a
ThreeDimensionalShape ï‚·A Cube is a ThreeDimensionalShape ï‚·A Cone is a ThreeDimensionalShape ï‚·A Cylinder is a
ThreeDimensionalShape ï‚·A Torus is a ThreeDimensionalShape ï‚·A Shape has a NumberofDimensions