Given the following key values, show what the data structures would look like after inserting the following
15 54 13 10 135 114 49 174 27 24
(no preprocessing necessary: pk = key)
Complete various hashing calculations as specified in the subsequent slides
Feel free to complete this assignment using Excel, Word or other tools
Submit your work and a small write-up highlighting your lessons learned
Check out the following video out 2 – 4 as well
•Array of 10 elements using open addressing with linear probing
N = 13
•Array of 10 elements using open addressing with quadratic probing
N = 13
•Linear array of 10 elements using open addressing (division hashing)
and the linear-quotient collision path algorithm
N = 13, 4k+3 prime = 19
1. ip = pk % N
2. q=pk/N
if (q%N != 0)
offset = q
offset = 4k+3 prime
3. While collisions:
ip’ = (ip + offset) % N
4. Set Array[ip]=key
•Bucket hashing of 10 elements (N=10) ip = (pk) % N