Goals • to implement searching and hashing, and to understand their performance.
and Notes • Download the the text Aile magicitems.txt from our web site if you
don’t have it already.
• Read it line by line into an array.
• Sort the array using one of your sort implementations from Assignment
Two. (Include a copy of your sorting code in this assignment’s directory
so that it’s easy to compile.)
• Develop your own implementation of linear and binary search.
• Randomly select 42 items.
• Perform a linear search on the (sorted) array for each of those randomly
selected items. Print the number of comparisons for each search and
compute the overall average.
• Perform a binary search on the (sorted) array for the same “randomly”
selected items as before. Print the number of comparisons for each
search and compute the overall average.
• Record your results in a table in your LaTeX document. Also note the
asymptotic running time of each sort and explain why it is that way.
• Develop your own implementation of a hash table (with chaining) of
size 250. Use the hash function we spoke about in class (and in the
example code on our web site at https://www.labouseur.com/courses/
• Load your hash table with the magic items.
• Retrieve the same 42 (no longer-) randomly selected items from your
hash table. Print the number of (get + comparisons) for each item and
compute the overall average. (Every get is one, then count the
comparisons needed to handle chaining.)
• Add your results to the LaTeX document, including the asymptotic
running time of hashing with chaining and explain why it is that way.
[60 points]
[30 points]
[10 points]
As usual, your code must separate structure from presentation, be
professionally formatted yet uniquely yours (show some personality), use
and demonstrate best practices, and make me proud to be your teacher. [−∞ if not]
Resources • Linear and binary search are described in our text in sections 10.2 and 27.3.
• Hash tables with chaining are described in our text in section 11.2.