1 Goals
This programming assignment (PA1) has three main goals. First, you will learn in concrete terms what the different segments of a virtual address space (or simply address space) are. Second, you will learn to use three Linux facilities - /proc, strace, and getrusage - to record/measure certain aspects of process resource usage. Finally, we hope that PA1 will serve to refresh your understanding of (or make you learn in case you lack it): (i) logging into a Linux machine (ssh, VPN, 2FA) and using basic Linux shell and commands, (ii) compiling a C program (gcc, make), creating/linking against libraries, (iii) debugging (gdb), (iv) working with a code repository (github), (v) using Linux man pages (the man command), and (vi) plotting experimental data for easy visualization. All of these are good programming and experimental analysis practices that we would like you to follow throughout this course (and beyond it).
2 Getting Started
After accepting the invitational link to the Github Classroom @CMPSC473, you will be given access to your own private repository and another repository named ”PA1” containing all the files needed for completing PA1. When you open this repository, you will find 5 folders, named prog1, ..., prog5. These folders contain the files described in Section 3. On the web-page of this repository, you will find a link to download it. To download copy the link and type on the command line:
$ git clone <linkoftherepository>
You will find additional information on using GitHub and other important documents uploaded in a separate document on canvas.
3 Description of Tasks
1. Stack, heap, and system calls: The executable named prog1 contains a function that is recursively called 10 times. This function has a local variable and a dynamically allocated variable. Upon each invocation, the function displays the addresses of the newly allocated variables on the console. After 10 invocations, the program waits for a key to be pressed on the keyboard before concluding. We would like you to observe the addresses displayed by prog1 and answer the following:
(a) Which addresses are for the local variables and which ones are for the dynamically allocated variables? How were you able to deduce this? What are the directions in which the stack and the heap grow on your system?
(b) What is the size of the process stack when it is waiting for user input? (Hint: Use the contents of /proc/PID/smaps that the /proc file system maintains for this process where we are denoting its process ID by PID. While the program waits for a user input, try running ps -ef | grep prog1. This will give you PID. You can then look at the smaps entry for this process (cat /proc/PID/smaps) to see a description of the current memory allocation to each segment of the process address space.
(c) What is the size of the process heap when it is waiting for user input?
(e) Use the strace command to record the system calls invoked while prog1 executes. For this, simply run strace prog1 on the command line. Look at the man page of strace to learn more about it. Similarly, use man pages to learn basic information about each of these system calls. For each unique system call, write in your own words (just one sentence should do) what purpose this system call serves for this program.
(a) Observe and report the differences in the following for the 32 bit and 64 bit executables: (i) size of compiled code, (ii) size of code during run time, (iii) size of linked libraries.
(b) Use gdb to find the program statement that caused the error. See some tips on gdb in the Appendix if needed.
(c) Explain the cause of this error. Support your claim with address limits found from /proc.
(d) Using gdb back trace the stack. Examine individual frames in the stack to find each frame’s size. Combine this with your knowledge (or estimate) of the sizes of other address space components to determine how many invocations of the recursive function should be possible on your system. How many invocations occur when you actually execute the program?
(e) What are the contents of a frame in general? Which of these are present in a frame corresponding to an invocation of the recursive function and what are their sizes?
(a) Observe and report the differences in the following for the 32 bit and 64 bit executables: (i) size of compiled code, (ii) size of code during run time, (iii) size of linked libraries.
(b) Use valgrind to find the cause of the error including the program statement causing it. For this, simply run valgrind prog3 on the command line. Validate this alleged cause with address space related information gleaned from /proc.
(c) How is this error different than the one for prog2?
(a) Describe the cause and nature of these errors. How would you fix them?
5. Multi-process program that uses fork, exec, wait, kill, exit calls: Compile the multi-process program prog71 using the makefile or using the following commands.
$ gcc -g prog72.c -o prog72
$ gcc -g prog71.c -o prog71
Execute prog71 as follows $ ./prog71.
(a) Compare the following for the parent and child processes (i) PID (ii) address ofdynamic variables.
(b) Compare the address space of the parent and child before and after the ”exec”command.
(Hint: Run gdb prog71 and add breakpoints at lines 11, 15, 24, 37 in the file ”prog71” and add additional breakpoints in the file ”prog72” at line numbers 17, 21, 32.
Helpful commands:
”set follow-fork-mode child” – In this mode, GDB will switch to the child process if a fork() or vfork() is called.
”set detach-on-fork off” – Both processes will be held under GDB control. One process is debugged, while the other is suspended.
”set detach-on-fork on” – The child process (or parent process, depending on the value of follow-fork-mode) will be detached and allowed to run independently. This is the default.
”x/80x $rsp” – Get HEX dump of stack
”backtrace full” – Display backtrace of the entire stack.
4 Submission and Grading
We offer some useful hints here.
• Quick notes on gdb:
1. To run a program prog1 under gdb, simply execute
$ gdb prog1
2. While running under gdb’s control, you can add breakpoints in the program to ease the debugging process. To add a breakpoint, type
$ break <linenumber>
3. To run the code type
$ r
4. To continue running the program after a breakpoint is hit, type
$ c
5. To inspect the stack using gdb, type
$ backtrace or
$ backtrace full (to display contents of local variables)
6. To get information about individual frames, type
$ info frame <frame number>
E.g., if you want to see information about frame 5 (assuming your program has made 6 recursive function calls, since frame number starts from 0), then the command would look like
$ info frame 5
7. To get size of a frame, subtract frame addresses of two consecutive frames.
1. To find PID of, say, prog2, type,
$ ps -ef | grep prog2 or,
$ pgrep prog2
2. Inspect the contents of the files /proc/PID/maps and /proc/PID/smaps for a variety of useful information. A simple web search will offer details should you find something unclear (or ask us).
• Often a system’s administrator will set an upper bound on the stack size. To find this limit:
$ ulimit -s
Alternatively, you can use the following command to get both ”soft” and ”hard” limits set for a process:
$ cat /proc/PID/limits
• To compile the code using 32/64 bit options, add the -m<architecture> flag to the compile command in the Makefile. E.g., to compile with the 32 bit option:
$ gcc -g -m32 prog.c -o prog
• To find the size of an executable (including its code vs. data segments), consider using the size command. Look at its man pages.
• To find the size of code during run time, type the following while the code is in execution:
$ pmap PID | grep "total"
To see memory allocated to each section of the process, type
$ pmap PID
• Sample code for using getrusage() :
#include <sys/time . h>
#include <sys/resource . h>
#include <unistd . h> #include <stdio . h>
int main ( ) { struct rusage usage ;
struct timeval start , end ; int i , j , k = 0;
getrusage (RUSAGE SELF, &usage ) ; s t a r t = usage . ru stime ;
for ( i = 0; i < 100000; i ++) {
for ( j = 0; j < 100000; j ++) {
k += 1;
} getrusage (RUSAGE SELF, &usage ) ;
end = usage . ru stime ;
printf ( ” Started at : %ld.%lds ” , s t a r t . tv sec , s t a r t . tv usec ) ; printf ( ”Ended at : %ld.%lds ” , end . tv sec , end . tv usec ) ;
return 0;