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CITS2200 Project - Solved

Problem Specification

You must implement the following four functions, and provide a report on your implementations. Each function is worth a different number of marks for a total of 20 marks. Details for what the mark breakdowns mean are provided below.

 All questions work with a greyscale image specified as a 2D int array. The array is indexed first by row, then by column. Every row in the array will be the same length. Every element in the array will be non-negative and no greater than 255. A value of 0 represents a black pixel, and a value of 255 represents white, with shades of grey in between.

Time complexity specifications use R for number of rows, C for number of columns, and P = R*C for number of pixels.

public int floodFillCount(int[][] image, int row, int col) (4 marks)
 Compute the number of pixels that change when performing a black flood-fill from the pixel at ( row , col ) in the given image. A flood-fill operation changes the selected pixel and all contiguous pixels of the same colour to the specified colour. A pixel is considered part of a contiguous region of the same colour if it is exactly one pixel up/down/left/right of another pixel in the region.

Marks (4 total):




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