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CIS410 Project #5 Solved

1) Download skeleton file proj5.cxx and data file proj5.vtk and put them in a 
new directory.
2) Re-use your CMakeLists.txt from the last project. 
3) Run cmake, compile the program and run the program. It will put up a 
window that has line segments around the box X=-10 à +10, Y=-10 à +10. 
These line segments were made by calling the method AddSegment on the 
class SegmentList. You will add additional segments for your isosurface. 
4) Implement an isosurface algorithm for the 2D quads in proj5.vtk. The isovalue 
should be 3.2. 
5) Upload your source code and a screenshot of your program working to 
Canvas. Make sure to cross-reference with the correct image posted on the 

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