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CH231A-Homework 12 Solved

A friend wants help in implementing an algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes š‘¢ and š‘£ in a directed graph (possibly containing negative edge weights). He/she proposes the following:

-          Add a large constant to each weight such that all weights become positive

-          Run Dijkstra’s algorithm for the shortest path from š‘¢ to š‘£

This method is not correct as it may not always work for all cases. A counterexample for when this method does not work:


Assume we have a start point “š‘¢” and an end point "š‘£" with "š‘›" vertices/nodes. 

Path 1:  

                                                                                              −3                               8

š‘¢ → š‘Ž → š‘£

Length of path 1: −3 + 8 = 5


Path 2: 

                                                                                           −3                        3                            4

š‘¢ → š‘Ž → š‘ → š‘£

Length of path 2: −3 + 3 + 4 = 4


We can see that path 2 is the shorter path. Now, we add the largest constant (in both cases −3) in both the paths!


Path 1:  

                                                                                                 0                          11

š‘¢ → š‘Ž → š‘£

Length of path 1: 0 + 11 = 11


Path 2: 

                                                                                            0                            6                            7

š‘¢ → š‘Ž → š‘ → š‘£

Length of path 2: 0 + 6 + 7 = 13


Now, in this case, when we add a positive large constant in both paths, path 1 is the shorter path. Therefore, we disprove the correctness of the given algorithm using a simple counter example!

Problem 12.2

Implemented in “OMP.cpp”. Execute make to run.


Problem 12.3

The problem given to us can be represented as a graph problem.

i.            Consider our board B.

ii.          B has coordinates B[x][y] that represents the position of the player. iii.      Every coordinate B[x][y] (position) in the board is a node.

iv.          All edges are 1 as the distance moved is 1 (in all directions form the current position)

v.            The vertex š‘‰ = {0, 1, 2, .… , š‘›2 – 1}  vi.           Edges of vertex š‘‰ are neighboring nodes, i.e. up, down, left, right.

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