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CENG331- Performance HW Solved

1          Objectives
Many algorithms, such as the ones that are used in deep learning and image processing, require the application of a basic operation repeatedly. Hence, their performance depend on the performance of those basic operations. In this homework we will consider two such operations, namely Matrix Multiplication and Convolution.

Your objective in this homework is to optimize these functions as much as possible by using the concepts you have learned in class.

2          Specifications
Start by copying Optimization.tar to a protected directory in which you plan to do your work. Then give the command: tar xvf Optimization.tar . This will cause a number of files to be unpacked into the directory. The only file you will be modifying and handing in is kernels.c. The driver.c program is a driver program that allows you to evaluate the performance of your solutions. Use the command make driver to generate the driver code and run it with the command ./driver.

Looking at the file kernels.c you’ll notice a C structure team into which you should insert the requested identifying information about you. Do this right away so you don’t forget.

3          Implementation Overview
Matrix Multiplication
The naive approach for matrix multiplication is given in kernels.c as

void naive_matrix_multiplication(int dim, int *src, int *src2, int *dst) { int i,j,k;

for(i = 0; i < dim; i++) for(j = 0; j < dim; j++) { dst[j*dim+i]=0;

for(k = 0; k < dim; k++)

dst[j*dim+i] = dst[j*dim+i] + src[j*dim+k]*src2[i+k*dim];



where the arguments to the procedure are pointers to the destination (dst) and two sources (src,src2) matrices, as well as the matrix size N (dim). Overall what this function does is multiplying src with src2 and obtaining dst (dst = src ∗ src2)

Your task is to rewrite this code and minimize its CPE, by using techniques like code motion, loop unrolling and blocking.

Convolution is used to modify and capture the spatial characteristics in both image processing and deep learning. A convolution is done by selecting a region on your main matrix and multiplying the values in that region by another smaller matrix, which is called as kernel.

For example, lets say you have a source matrix (src) and kernel matrix (ker)

Your output matrix (dst) will look like

In normal Image processing convolution kernel first rotated, and after that it applied on the source image. However, you are not required to do that in this homework. For additional information and examples about convolution operation click on here.

The naive approach for Convolution is given in kernels.c as

void naive_conv(int dim,int *src, int *ker,int *dst) { int i,j,k,l;

for(i = 0; i < dim-8+1; i++) for(j = 0; j < dim-8+1; j++) { dst[j*dim+i] = 0; for(k = 0; k < 8; k++) for(l = 0; l < 8; l++) {

dst[j*dim+i] = dst[j*dim+i] +src[(j+l)*dim+(i+k)]*ker[l*dim+k];




where the arguments to the procedure are pointers to the destination (dst), source (src) and kernel(ker)

matrices, as well as the matrix size N (dim). You will only be using top left most 8x8 region of ker matrix for your kernel.

Your task is to rewrite this code and minimize its CPE, by using techniques like code motion, loop unrolling and blocking.

Performance measures
Our main performance measure is CPE or Cycles per Element. If a function takes C cycles to run for an matrix of size N × N, the CPE value is C/N2.

The ratios (speedups) of the optimized implementation over the naive one will constitute a score of your implementation. To summarize the overall effect over different values of N, we will compute the geometric mean of the results for these 5 values. That is, if the measured speedups for N = {32,64,128,256,512} are R32, R64, R128, R256, and R512 then we compute the overall performance as

                                                  R               = p5 R32× R64× R128× R256× R512

Assume that N is a multiple of 32 and the dimensions of kernel as 8x8. For convolution, dimensions of destination matrix can be determined by N − K + 1 where K is equal to dimension size of the kernel. Your code must run correctly for all such values of N , but we will measure its performance only for N = {32,64,128,256,512}

4          Infrastructure
We have provided support code to help you test the correctness of your implementations and measure their performance. This section describes how to use this infrastructure. The exact details of each part of the assignment is described in the following section.

Note: The only source file you will be modifying is kernels.c.

You will be writing many versions of the matrix multiplication and convolution functions. To help you compare the performance of all the different versions you’ve written, we provide a way of “registering” functions.

For example, the file kernels.c that we have provided you contains the following function:

void register_conv_functions() { add_conv_function(&convolution, convolution_descr);

/* ... Register additional test functions here */


This function contains one or more calls to add conv function. In the above example,

add conv function registers the function convolution along with a string convolution descr which is an ASCII description of what the function does. See the file kernels.c to see how to create the string descriptions. This string can be at most 256 characters long.

A similar function for your matrix multiplication kernels is provided in the file kernels.c.

The source code you will write will be linked with object code that we supply into a driver binary. To create this binary, you will need to execute the command unix make driver

You will need to re-make driver each time you change the code in kernels.c. To test your implementations, you can then run the command:

unix ./driver

The driver can be run in four different modes:

•   Default mode, in which all versions of your implementation are run.

•   Autograder mode, in which only the matrix multiplication() and convolution() functions are run. This is the mode we will run in when we use the driver to grade your handin.

•   File mode, in which only versions that are mentioned in an input file are run.

•   Dump mode, in which a one-line description of each version is dumped to a text file. You can then edit this text file to keep only those versions that you’d like to test using the file mode. You can specify whether to quit after dumping the file or if your implementations are to be run.

If run without any arguments, driver will run all of your versions (default mode). Other modes and options can be specified by command-line arguments to driver, as listed below:

-g : Run only matrix multiplication() and convolution() functions (autograder mode).

-f <funcfile : Execute only those versions specified in <funcfile (file mode).

-d <dumpfile : Dump the names of all versions to a dump file called <dumpfile, one line to a version (dump mode).

-q : Quit after dumping version names to a dump file. To be used in tandem with -d. For example, to quit immediately after printing the dump file, type ./driver -qd dumpfile.

-h : Print the command line usage.

Student Information
Important: Before you start, you should fill in the struct in kernels.c with information about you(student name, student id, student email).

5          Assignment Details
Optimizing Convolution (50 points)
In this part, you will optimize convolution to achieve as low CPE as possible. You should compile driver and then run it with the appropriate arguments to test your implementations.

For example, running driver with the supplied naive version (for Convolution) generates the output shown below:

unix ./driver


Name: Fatih Can Kurnaz


conv: Version = naive_conv: Naive baseline implementation:

Dim                         32            64           128          256          512       Mean

Your CPEs                187.5       241.8       272.6       295.6       315.8

Baseline CPEs           185.9       241.4       272.4       296.1       315.3

Speedup                  1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0          1.0

Optimizing Matrix Multiplication (50 points)
In this part, you will optimize matrix multiplication to achieve as low a CPE as possible. You should compile driver and then run it with the appropriate arguments to test your implementations.

For example, running driver with the supplied naive version (for matrix multiplication) generates the output shown below:

unix ./driver


Name: Fatih Can Kurnaz


Multip: Version = Naive_matrix_multiplication: Naive baseline implementation:

Dim                         32            64           128          256          512       Mean

Your CPEs                141.2       306.6       645.6         1386.4 3376.7

Baseline CPEs           141.7       306.8       642.5         1388.7 3373.7

Speedup                  1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0           1.0          1.0

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