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CENG140-Assignment 3 Bank System Simulation Solved

This homework aims to help you get familiar with the fundamental C++ programming concepts.

Keywords: Constructor/Copy Constructor/Destructor, Assignment/Move, Operator Overloading, Memory Management

1           Problem Definition
. Banks have Accounts and Accounts have Transactions. You can find more detail in their respective sections.

In this homework you are a programmer and your supervisors want certain features in their Bank system. Your task is to implement Transaction, Account and Bank systems that are provided you with a header file(You will not edit header files). As situation requested shiny features of the latest C++ is not available to you. Therefore, you have to be careful with your programs memory management.

2           Class Definitions
2.1         Transaction
Transaction is the most basic class in this homework. Basically, it holds a certain amount and date of the Transaction.

class Transaction { private :

double _amount;

time_t _date;

public :


∗ Empty constructor ∗ give −1 to everything

∗/ Transaction() ;


∗ Constructor

∗ @param amount The value                 of               Transaction (Can be

∗ @param date Transaction date

∗/ Transaction( double amount, time_t date) ; /∗∗ ∗ Copy Constructor .

∗ @param rhs The Transaction to be copied .


Transaction( const Transaction& rhs) ;


∗ Compare two Transaction based on their                              date

∗ @param rhs Compared Transaction
positive )
∗ @return         If            current Transaction happened before return       true

∗ else            return      false

∗/ bool operator <(const Transaction& rhs) const ;


∗ Compare two Transaction based on their                              date

∗ @param date Compared date
Transaction ←-
∗ @return           If     current                       Transaction happened after


∗ else            return      false
given Transaction                return←-
∗/ bool operator (const Transaction& rhs) const ;


∗ Compare a Transaction with a given date

∗ @param date Compared date

               ∗ @return      If      current            Transaction happened before           the given date return                    true

               ∗ else       return       false

∗/ bool operator <(const time_t date) const ;


∗ Compare a Transaction with a given date

∗ @param date Compared date

               ∗ @return      If      current            Transaction happened after              the given date return                    true

               ∗ else       return       false

∗/ bool operator (const time_t date) const ;


                 ∗ Sum the value               of two Transaction amounts

                    ∗ @param rhs The transaction              to sum over

                    ∗ @return The output of                  the summation in double format

∗/ double operator+(const Transaction& rhs) ;


                 ∗ Sum the value                   of a Transaction with another double

∗ @param add The amount to sum over

                    ∗ @return The output of                  the summation in double format

∗/ double operator+(const double add) ;


∗ Assignment operator

∗ @param rhs Transaction to assign ∗ @return this Transaction


Transaction& operator=(const Transaction& rhs) ;


∗ Stream overload

∗ What to stream :

                          ∗ Transaction amount”tab−tab”hour : minute : second−day/month/year ( in                                                                                    localtime )

∗ @param os Stream to be used .

                  ∗ @param transaction                Transaction to be streamed .

∗ @return the current Stream

∗/ friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os, const Transaction& ←transaction) ;


2.2         Account
The account is defined for a single user and users have their respective ids. Accounts also hold Transaction information of their user in a sorted manner.

class Account { private :

int _id;

Transaction∗∗ _activity; int∗ _monthly_activity_frequency;

public :


∗ Empty constructor

∗ give the id as −1 ∗ give nullptr for pointers

∗/ Account() ;



                  ∗ Note : The given           activity       array      will         have 12 Transaction∗

                ∗ Each of       these          Transaction∗ will                  represent a month from the 2019

∗ Basicaly          activity [0] will        represent January activity [11]            will        represent February activity [11]          will     represent March

. . .

activity [10]           will        represent November activity [11]          will        represent December

∗ activity [0]                 will        only contain                Transactions happened in January

∗ However , be careful that Transactions inside of activity [ i ] will not be in←sorted order

∗ For Example : We are                   certain       that        activity [0]        is       containing          Transactions ←-
happened in January 2019

∗ But we are not sure which of them happened                                 f i r s t .
∗ I    strongly    suggest you to use a sorting           algorithm            while Transaction to your object .
storing          these ←-
∗ ( Sorting by the date , So that you can                                    directly            use them


∗ (You can use bubble                    sort )

∗ @param id          id    of       this Account
in stream overload←-
∗ @param activity 2d Transaction array f i r s t layers lenght month
is         12 for      each ←-
∗ @param monthly activity frequency how many transactions

made in each month
                            Account( int id, Transaction∗∗ const activity,        int ∗ monthly_activity_frequency←-

) ;


∗ Destructor

∗ Do not   forget    to           free        the space you have created ( This assignment does not ←use smart pointers )


˜Account() ;


∗ Copy constructor (Deep copy)

∗ @param other The Account to be copied


Account( const Account& rhs) ;


∗ Copy constructor (Deep copy)

                     ∗ This copy constructors                takes two time t         elements

∗ Transactions of the old Account will be copied to new Account ∗ i f and only i f they are between these given dates ∗ Given dates will not be included .

∗ @param rhs The Account to be copied

∗ @param start date Starting date for transaction to be copied . ∗ @param end date Ending date for transactions to be copied .


Account( const Account& rhs, time_t start_date, time_t end_date) ;

∗ Move constructor

∗ @param rhs Account which you


Account(Account&& rhs) ;


∗ Move assignment operator

move the
∗ @param rhs Account which you

∗ @return           this     account
move the

Account& operator=(Account&& rhs) ;


∗ Assignment operator ∗ deep copy

∗ @param rhs Account to assign ∗ @return this account

∗/ Account& operator=(const Account& rhs) ;


∗ Equality comparison overload

                  ∗ This operator             checks only id        of      the Account

∗ @param rhs The Account to compare

                 ∗ @return returns         true     i f      both ids          are same false          othervise

∗/ bool     operator==(const Account& rhs) const ; /∗∗

∗ Equality comparison overload

                  ∗ This operator             checks only id        of      the Account

∗ @param id to compare

                 ∗ @return returns         true     i f      both ids          are same false          othervise

∗/ bool     operator==(int id) const ;


∗ sum and equal                operator

∗ Add Transactions                    of two Accounts
∗ You have to add transactions                          in      correct       places         in your

∗ Note : Remember that activity [0] is always January and always December

∗ ( This information                  also     holds     for        every other month)

∗ You can have Transactions with the same date

∗ @param rhs Account which take new Transactions from ∗ @return this Account after adding new Transactions


Account& operator+=(const Account& rhs) ;


∗ How much money Account has(Sum of                               Transaction amounts)

∗ @return               total amount of           the money of         the account

∗/ double balance() ;


∗ How much money Account has at the end of                                given date

∗ Given date               will         not be included .
activity             array
activity [11]
∗ @param end date You will count the amounts until this inclusive )

∗ @return Total amount the Account has                              until              given date

∗/ double balance(time_t end_date) ;


∗ How much money Account between given dates ∗ Given dates will not be included .

date ( not ←-
∗ @param end date You will count the amounts between given dates (not ←inclusive )

                            ∗ @return Total amount the Account has between given                   dates

∗ You will only count a Transaction amount i f and only i f it occured between←given dates ∗/ double balance(time_t start_date, time_t end_date) ;

/∗∗ ∗ Stream overload .

∗ What to stream

                ∗ Id of         the user

∗ Earliest Transaction amount”tab”−”tab”hour : minute : second−day/month/year ( in←localtime )

∗ Second earliest Transaction amount”tab”−”tab”hour : minute : second−day/month/←year ( in localtime ) ∗ . . .

∗ Latest Transaction amount”tab−tab”hour : minute : second−day/month/year ( in ←localtime ) ∗

∗ Note : activity array will only contain dates from January 2019 to ←December 2019

              ∗ Note :             Transactions should be in               order by date

              ∗ Note :       either     of          monthly activity frequency          or       activity       is               nullptr

∗ you will just stream ∗ −1

∗ @param os Stream to be used .

∗ @param Account to be streamed . ∗ @return the current Stream


                        friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os,         const Account& account) ;


2.3         Bank
The bank keeps track of accounts.

class Bank { private :

std : : string _bank_name;

int _user_count;

Account∗ _users; public :


∗ Empty constructor

∗ give the bank name as ”not defined”

∗ give nullptr for pointers ∗ give 0 as users count

∗/ Bank() ;


∗ Constructor

                  ∗ @param bankname name of            this bank

∗ @param userspointer to hold users of this bank ∗ @param usercount number of users this bank has ∗/ Bank(std : : string bank_name, Account∗ const users,       int user_count) ;


∗ Destructor

∗ Do not   forget    to           free        the space you have created ( This assignment does not ←use smart pointers )

∗/ ˜Bank() ;


∗ Copy constructor (Deep copy)

∗ @param rhs The Bank to be copied

∗/ Bank( const Bank& rhs) ;


                       ∗ You should deep copy the content              of        the second bank

∗ Merge two banks

∗ If both banks has a user with the same id , Transactions of these users ←will be merged in to the same Account ∗ For example :

               ∗ Bank1 has       [1 ,2]     id     users

               ∗ Bank2 has       [2 ,3]     id     users

∗ Bank1 after += operator will have [1 ,2 ,3] id users ∗ User with id 2 will have its transactions histories merged

∗ Transactions with of        the         users with the same id should be merged and ←updated

∗ @param rhs Merged Bank ∗ @return this Bank


Bank& operator+=(const Bank& rhs) ;


∗ Add a new account to Bank

               ∗ If           the newly added user          already       exists      in          this Bank merge their ←-


∗ @param new acc new account to add to bank

               ∗ @return        this Bank


Bank& operator+=(const Account& new_acc) ;

              /∗∗ Indexing        operator       overload

                        ∗ Return the Account with the given               id

               ∗ If       there              is no Account with the given             id       return the       f i r s t element

                ∗ @param account id       id    of      the Account

∗ @return              i f            given     id            exist       in the bank return the account ,    else         return the ←f i r s t           account


Account& operator [ ] ( int account_id) ;


∗ Stream overload .

∗     all        the accounts        will           be between 01−01−2019 and 31−12−2019

∗ What to stream

∗ bank name”tab”number of                users who are          eligible              for a loan”tab” total ←-
          balance     of      the bank

∗ A user is safe for a loan i f and only i f that user did not negative balance for 2 or more consecutive months
have any ←-
∗ For example ,                                        let ' s say our bank named as ”banana” has two

∗ User A' s balance               for            each month is

∗ January − 0

∗ February − 0

∗ March − 100

∗ April − −20

∗ May − −30

∗ June − 40

∗ July − 60

∗ August − 0

∗ September − 0

∗ October − 0

∗ November − 0

∗ December − 0

∗ This user is not eligible because negative ( consecutive )
April and May his/her
was ←-
∗ You s t i l l                have to add 150 to the            total           balance
of      the
∗ User B' s balance                   for

∗ January − 0

∗ February − 0

∗ March − 100

∗ April − −20

∗ May − 40

∗ June − −30 ∗ July − 60

∗ August − 0

∗ September − 0

∗ October − 0

∗ November − 0

∗ December − 0

each month is             as given
∗ This user           is           eligible
negative              balances
not consecutive
∗ You will                  also add 150

to the
total        balance     of      the bank
∗ your output            will      be as
               ∗ banana          1        300

∗/ friend std : : ostream& operator <<(std : : ostream& os,       const Bank& bank) ;


3           Extras
You have to check for memory leaks in your code. Any memory leak in certain class will result in point reduction.

You can test your code for any memory leak by using valgrind. (Provided MakeFile has valgrind option)

You can also test your implementation by using transaction test.cpp, account test.cpp, bank test.cpp, and compare your results with provided corresponding example *.txt files. (Some text editors might display tab character in a different format. To look at the output in the best way use gedit in Ubuntu,

TextEdit in Mac or just open it with vi)

Note: You can test your classes with (ouputs of these runs also given to you)

$ make transaction

$ make run

$ make valgrind

$ make account

$ make run

$ make valgrind

$ make bank

$ make run $ make valgrind

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