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CE3345-Project 2 Linked List Solved

1.               Design a java interface called IDedObject which has following abstract functions. 

int getID()                                                        //Returns the ID of the object void printID()                                                  //Prints the details of the ID



2.               Design a java class Magazine that implements IDedObject interface and has the following class variables:

int magazineID

String magazineName

String publisherName

 Implement suitable constructors, a printID function that prints all the variable values in separate lines and getID() function that returns the magazineID.  Add any access and other functions necessary.

{Note all your data should be private and methods public inside the class)


3.               Design a generic singly linked list java class (Give an appropriate name) to hold objects of the generic type <Anytype. This AnyType should extend IDedObject. The linked list class must implement following member functions: 


A constructor which generates an empty list .

void makeEmpty();                               //empties the linked list 

AnyType  findID(int ID);                      // Get the  generic type to get the particular id and returns AnyType.  Don’t remove the object from the list. returns null if the list is empty or ID not found.  

boolean insertAtFront(<AnyType x);            // insert at front of list or return false if that ID already exists 

AnyType deleteFromFront();               // delete and return the record at the front of  the list or return       null if the list is empty 

AnyType delete(int ID); 
// find and delete the record with the given ID or returns null if it isn’t found 
void printAllRecords(); 
// print all elements in the order they appear in the linked list. if list is empty print appropriate message. 

4.         Write a java class to have the main function, create a linked-list to hold magazine type objects.  It should prompt the user to choice list of the following operations. i. Make Empty                      

 /// This Option makes the Linked list empty

ii.       Find ID                            

/// print all details of the magazine ID, if it is in the list , if not print appropriate message

iii.     Insert At Front  

/// Get the magazine details from the user and add it to the front of the list

iv.     Delete From Front

///Print the first item on the list and then delete it. v. Delete ID

/// Print particular IDed item and then delete it.

vi.         Print All Records

// Print all the records in the list

vii.        Done

///Quit the program. For every other option after task completion display menu again. 



Your program must read from the keyboard and print to the screen.


Sample run




 Operations on List

1.    Make Empty

2.    Find ID

3.    Insert At Front

4.    Delete From Front

5.    Delete ID

6.    Print All Records

7.    Done

Your choice:  3

Enter Magazine ID: 1111

Enter Magazine Name: People

Enter Publisher Name:  People

Magazine Added

Operations on List

1.    Make Empty

2.    Find ID

3.    Insert At Front

4.    Delete From Front

5.    Delete ID

6.    Print All Records

7.    Done


Your Choice: 2

ID No: 1111






Operations on List

1.    Make Empty

2.    Find ID

3.    Insert At Front

4.    Delete From Front

5.    Delete ID

6.    Print All Records

7.    Done


Your Choice: 4




First item deleted

Operations on List

1.    Make Empty

2.    Find ID

3.    Insert At Front

4.    Delete From Front

5.    Delete ID

6.    Print All Records

7.    Done

Your Choice: 7 Done.



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