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CE3345-Project 1 Solved


Write a java program to compute all prime numbers less than equal to a given integer N using the algorithm “Sieve of Erotosthenes”. 

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a method used to compute all primes less than equal to N. We begin by making a table of integers 2 to N. We find the smallest integer, i that is not crossed out, print i, and cross out  2i, 3i, … ..( actually better to start at i2  and use increments i2 + i, i2 + 2i, i2 + 3i,…

etc until N). When i is √𝑁, the algorithm terminates.


Prompt the user to give an positive integer value N and print all primes up till N using the above algorithm on screen. 

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