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CMSC204-Lab 5-Recursion Lab Solved

 You will need to complete two recursive methods for this lab assignment.

·      Write a recursive method to sum the values in an array of integers.  You will need to implement a recursive method, int sumOfArray (…), in a new java file. 

o   Use the provided driver, ArraySumDriver, to populate your array and demonstrate that your method works.  Feel free to modify the driver routine

o   Note that ArraySumDriver has a getArray method that you will need to use.  Also, you are encouraged to use sumOfArray() as a “starter” method, that calls the actual recursive method

·      Implement another recursive method to compute a Fibonacci number

o   Review the Dynamic Programming slides (Module 9 – Recursion.pptx) and utilize the dynamic programming version

o   The pseudocode has been provided, and this is the most efficient implementation

o   Add addition testing code (to the provided driver routine) to test your newly created Fibonacci routine 

·      Upload your work to GitHub (your repository)

·      Complete a 1-page write-up to highlight your learning experience, including a screenshot of your GitHub repository.

·      Compress your working folder and write-up; submit the compressed file back to the assignment link on Blackboard.  


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