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Blockchain Project 3 -Solved

REQUIREMENTS TO EXECUTE PROGRAM: Since Alice is making the first move, Bob program must be running in terminal first so that he can be listening, Next, Run Alice program to initiate the game. The program will continue running automatically until 9 moves are completed. Then the game ends and both programs terminate. Altogether, there will only be 3 files in the submission folder. Two are Programs and 1 is the block0.json that Alice is meant to read during runtime

Programs: Order of running:
Run by typing python3 first in terminal
Next, Run by typing python3
For your convenience, the text files for Alice and Bob will be stored in separate folders called AliceBlocks and BobBlocks respectively.

Alice_Blocks will contain:
Block0.txt to Block9.txt Bob_Blocks will contain:
Block1.txt to Block9.txt
During the runtime, the history of the game will be generated In the form of Text files on both Alice and Bob’s side. These files of course will tally with one another on both sides. In total, Alice will have Text files of block0 to block9 while Bob will only have block1 to block9. The exchange of Json Blocks during the game is done though PubNub channels and is sent as a message instead of a file.

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