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BLG336E-Project 3 Solved

BLG336E - Analysis of Algorithms II 


In this project, you are asked to implement a maximum flow algorithm in order to solve the given problem.

Soccer League

In this problem, you need to determine whether a given team has a chance to win the league or not.

 There are N different teams in the league, where 2≤N≤10 .

 There is always a winner in each match, no draws.

 Teams do not play their matches in a fixed order, teamA may have completed all its matches whereas teamB still has to play 4 more matches to play.

 Each win grants 1 point to the winning team and losing team gets nothing.

 If multiple teams have the same and highest score at the end of the league, all those teams win.

Input-Output Format

First line contains N, number of teams in the league. Second line contains points of each N teams in the league so far. Next N lines represent a symmetric NxN matrix showing remaining matches of the teams. Numbers in the same line are space-separated.

An example problem input and the answer can be seen below:


N=5, number of teams in the league

Current scores of the teams in order: 1, 1, 0, 1, 1

It is seen that 3 more matches need to be played in the league.

1-  Team1 vs Team2

2-  Team2 vs Team4

3-  Team4 vs Team5

Output explanation:

Each team except Team3 can still win the league.

A)  A Simpler Elimination Rule 

Let the current team with the highest points in the league T, and its points P. 

Instead of using a maximum-flow based method, could not we just use a simple criterion such that “If current points of a team plus the number of remaining matches a team has >=  P, that team still has a chance to win the league”.

Your answer must be yes or no. If your answer is yes, discuss/prove why. If your answer is no, discuss/prove why or give a counterexample scenario.

B)  Implementation 

Implement a maximum flow based algorithm to decide whether given teams have a chance to win the league or not. 

In your implementation, follow the given input-output format (especially output). Programs with different output format may result in a zero grade.

Input file name should be chosen by a command line argument. Sample input files are given. When the solution is found, if there is a second command line argument specified write your result to the specified output file, if there is not simply print your solution.

All your code must be written in C++, and should be compiled and run on ITU’s Linux Server (you can access it through SSH) using g++. Otherwise your code will not be evaluated.

Your program should compile and run using the following commands: 

You must provide instructions for how to compile your program with g++ (either in the report or in one of the source code files), and your program should be able to run the following commands:

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