BLG335E, Analysis of Algorithms I
Project 2
In this project, you are going to analyze the performance of a call center’s employees. Using the heapsort algorithm, you will report the employees with the best/worst performance score and with the maximum/minimum number of calls.
You are provided a dataset consists of 11 csv files. The first 10 files (day1 to day10) contain data for 10 different days. The employee ID, total number of calls received, number of calls with positive feedback and negative feedback are given in the columns of these files, respectively. The records in files are sorted in ascending order according to IDs. The following formula is used to calculate the performance scores of the employees:
PS = 2 * (number of calls) + (number of positive feedback) – (number of negative feedback)
In the dataset, there is another file, “numbers.csv”. This file is used for some additional analyses explained in Section 4.
You will implement the following procedures detailed in the lecture notes:
• max/min-heapify()
• build-max/min-heap()
• heapsort()
• insert()
• extract-max/min()
• increase-key()
In your program, first, the necessary heaps will be constructed by using the data in “day1.csv” file. Then, the heaps will be updated by reading the other csv files in order. These updates will be performed right after each line in the files is read. If the employee ID read from the file is present in the heap, the employee's performance score and the number of calls will be increased using the increase-key()procedure. If the employee ID is not present in the heap, it will be added to the heaps using the insert() procedure. Since the employee ID is in ascending order, if an ID is larger than the ones previously encountered, this ID should be considered as a new ID (not in the heaps). After the necessary operations for each csv file (for each day) are completed, your program is expected to report the employee IDs as follows:
BEST PERFORMANCE : 123, 456, 789
WORST PERFORMANCE: 321, 654, 987
MAXIMUM CALLS : 111, 222, 333
MINIMUM CALLS : 444, 555, 666
BEST PERFORMANCE : 246, 135, 159
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BLG335E, Analysis of Algorithms I
Project 2
WORST PERFORMANCE: 642, 531, 951
MAXIMUM CALLS : 111, 333, 999
MINIMUM CALLS : 555, 444, 888