● Your program takes two arguments: filename and topN
● You should read the given text file and preprocess the text according to following order: Tokenize the text by whitespace(not just space character, e.g. more than one space, tab, newline etc.), remove punctuations, and apply the lowercase.
● You are asked to calculate followings:
○ Average Term Length By Initial Character: For example, If your tokens are [”apple”,”banana”,”avocado”,”blueberry”], then your output should be like
a = 6 b = 7.5
○ Total Minimum Distance: For each term pair, calculate the following formula
f(t1) * f(t2)
1+ln ∑ d(t1,t2)
where f(t) is the count of the term t in the text and d(t 1,t2) gives the minimum distance between t 1 and t2 where t 1 is followed by t 2. For example, If the text is
”aa bb cc aa cc dd bb” and t 1 = aa and t 2 = bb, then ∑d(t1,t2) = 1+3 = 4. You
should print only topN pairs according to the score.
Important !
Make sure the following commands are running mvn clean package
java -jar target\bim207hw.jar sampleText.txt 10
Sample Output
InitialCharacter AverageLength
1 3.5 2 2.0 3 5.0
5 1.0
7 4.0
a 6.285714285714286
b 7.0
d 5.333333333333333
e 7.0 f 6.0 g 7.125 h 5.375 i 6.0
k 9.266666666666667 m 5.857142857142857
o 8.0 p 8.5 r 6.0
s 7.214285714285714 t 6.363636363636363
u 7.0
v 2.4285714285714284 y 10.0 z 7.5
ç 11.666666666666666 ö 11.090909090909092 ü 12.666666666666666
Pair{t1='yerleşkesindeki', t2='ve', factor=26.0}
Pair{t1='ve', t2='sayılı', factor=15.356018837890671}
Pair{t1='tarih', t2='ve', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='donanımlı', t2='ve', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='öğrencileri', t2='ve', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='söyleşilere', t2='ve', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='yaratıcı', t2='ve', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='eden', t2='ve', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='ve', t2='30425', factor=13.0}
Pair{t1='kültürel', t2='ve', factor=13.0}