Write an object oriented program that creates the standing tables from the given all matches result separately of the Ice Hockey and Handball sports.
1.1 Information about the sports • In Ice Hockey, in which three points are awarded to the team winning a match, with no points awarded to the losing team. If the game is drawn, each team receives one point. • In Handball, in which two points are awarded to the team winning a match, with no points awarded to the losing team. If the game is drawn, each team receives one point. • If two or more teams are on the same number of points. The number of goals scored against a team is subtracted from the number of goals it has scored itself. The bigger the goal difference, the better.
1.2 Restrictions
• You must implement your codes by using inheritance and polymorphism.
• There are 4 teams in each sport type.
• The initial scores of the 4 teams in each sport type are zero. • Since each group has 4 teams separately, there will be 6 match totally in each group. Therefore, there are 12 match (fixed 12 lines) totally in fixtures.txt
1.3 Sample Input and Outputs
• Sample input file named as fixtures.txt:
[First letter of sport]tab[name of first club]tab[name of second club]tab[match result]newline
• Sample output files.
[ranking.]tab[name of club]tab[number of played matches]tab[number of matches won ]tab[match with an even score or tie]tab[number of matches loss ]tab[number of sets For:the number of sets Against ]tab[total points]newline
• handball.txt is as shown below:
Figure 2: handball.txt
• icehockey.txt is as shown below
Figure 3: icehockey.txt
• You are expected to write the output of your program to a text file named type of sport.txt for each type of sport. (for example: icehockey.txt, handball.txt.)
• The explanation of the standing table columns for each sport types are as follows:
– First column defines the ranking
– Second column defines the club name
– Third column defines the number of played matches
– Fourth column defines the number of matches won
– Fifth column defines the number of times a team has finished a match with an even score or tie
– Sixth column defines the number of matches loss
– Seventh column defines the number of sets For : the number of sets Against
– Eighth column defines the total number of points earned
2 How to run your program
The input file is going to be given as program argument. In order to test your program, you should follow the following steps:
• Upload your java files to your server account (dev.cs.hacettepe.edu.tr)
• Compile your code (javac *.java) • Run your program (java Main fixtures.txt)
• Control your output data and format.