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ASTR 400B Lab 1 -Solved

ake sure to have a cloned copy of your own repository on your computer (or nimoy if you 
are using nimoy for Jupyter). Create a directory Labs/Lab1. 
From the command line git clone the class repository. If you have already done this, git 
pull to update the repository. There is a directory Labs/Lab1/ with a file Lab1.ipynb, which 
is the template for this exercise. 
Copy this template to your own repository directory Labs/Lab1 
2 Part A: Local Standard of Rest 
The Proper motion of Sgr A* from Reid & Brunthaler 2004 µ = 6.379 mas/yr 
Peculiar motion of the sun, v⊙ = 12.24 km/s (Schonrich 2010) 
vtan = 4.74 
= VLSR + v⊙ 
Create a function called VLSR to compute the local standard of res (VLSR). 
The function should take as input: the solar radius (Ro), the proper motion (mu) and 
the peculiar motion of the sun in the v⊙ direction. 
Compute VLSR using three different values Ro: 
1. Water Maser Distance for the Sun : Ro = 8.34 kpc (Reid 2014 ApJ 783) 
2. GRAVITY Collaboration Distance for the Sun: Ro = 8.178 kpc (Abuter+2019 A&A 
3. Value for Distance to Sun listed in Sparke & Gallagher : Ro = 7.9 kpc 
Compute the orbital period of the sun in Gyr using Ro from the GRAVITY Collaboration 
(assume circular orbit) 
Note that 1 km/s ∼ 1kpc/Gyr 
Compute the number of rotations the sun makes about the Galactic Center over the age of 
the universe (13.8 Gyr) 
3 Dark Matter Profiles 
Try out Fitting Rotation Curves: 
In the Isothermal Sphere model, what is the mass enclosed within the solar radius in units 
of M⊙? 
Where G = 4.4988e-6 kpc3/Gyr2/M⊙ 
What about at 260 kpc (in units of M⊙) ? 
The Leo I satellite is one of the fastest moving Milky Way satellite galaxies we know. 
Vtot = 196 km/s at a distance of 260 kpc (Sohn 2013 ApJ 768) 
If we assume that Leo I is moving at the escape speed: 

= 2|Φ| = 2 Z Gρ(rr) dV 
and assuming the Milky Way is well modeled by a Hernquist Sphere with a scale radius of 
30 kpc, what is the minimum mass of the Milky Way (in units M⊙) ? 
How does this compare to estimates of the mass assuming the Isothermal Sphere model 
at 260 kpc (from your answer above)? 
4 Last Step 
Git push your Lab1.ipynb file to your repo. Recall steps: 
1. git add filename 
2. git commit -m ”COMMENTS” 
3. git push 

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