The folders `src/` and `test/` in this repo contain the template code of the
assignment, which is just the skeleton.
You need to finish the implementation by yourself.
For this assignment, you are asked to implement `Builder` pattern and practice
how to read text from a file in C++.
Please add to the skeleton code so that it meets the specifications below.
- The specs of `Shape`, `Circle`, `Rectangle`, `Triangle` and
`TwoDimensionalVector` is extended from the assignment 4.
- The specs of `Iterator` is extended from the assignment 3, you should keep all
iterator functionality work in this assignment.
- The specs of `Visitor` is extended from the assignment 4, you should keep all
iterator functionality work in this assignment.
- When `ShapeInfoVisitor` visits `CompoundShape`, visitor wraps children's info
with `CompoundShape {\n...}\n` and adds indent by their depth in the compound
- class `ShapeBuilder`, which builds `Shape` object with arguments and pushes
the object into a result stack.
- when building `Circle`, builder needs **radius**.
- when building `Rectangle`, builder needs **length** and **width**.
- when building `Triangle`, builder generates a 2D vector by **x1**, **y1**
and the other 2D vector by **x2**, **y2**, and then uses the two vectors to
build `Triangle`.
- when building `CompoundShape`, builder pushes a new `CompoundShape` into the
result stack in the beginning, and adds all the `Shape` objects pushed after
the `CompoundShape` into the `CompoundShape` in the end.
- when `getResult()` is called, builder returns the top of the result stack.
- you don't need to verify if arguments are valid in `ShapeBuilder`.
- class `Scanner`, which scans through the input and extracts doubles and tokens
in token list defined by TA.
- token list: {"Circle", "Rectangle", "Triangle", "CompoundShape", "(", ")",
"[", "]", "{", "}", ","}
- it points to next token in function `next`, and it will throw exception if
it already points to the end position of the input.
- it points to next token in function `nextDouble`, and it will throw
exception if it already points to the end position of the input.
- it returns the result which checks if it points to the end position of the
input after skipping white space in function `isDone`, where white space
includes " ", "\n" and "\t".
- you should ignore the token which is illegal.
// Example
std::string input = "I Circle eee ,tt{t3.14159a";
Scanner scanner(input);
std::string first = scanner.next(); // `first` is "Circle"
std::string second = scanner.next(); // `second` is ","
double third = scanner.nextDouble(); // `third` is 3.14159
- class `ShapeParser`, which accepts a file path, that is a relative path of
`makefile`, and uses scanner as well as builder to parse a `Shape` object in
the file.
- it creates scanner and builder in the constructor.
- it handles the logic of parsing in function `parse`.
- TA will only check `ShapeBuilder`, `ShapeParser`, `Scanner` and
`ShapeInfoVisitor`, but you still need to keep all legacy system work.
#### Example:
``` c++
CompoundShape* cs1 = new CompoundShape();
cs1->addShape(new Circle(1.1));
cs1->addShape(new Rectangle(3.14 ,4));
CompoundShape* cs2 = new CompoundShape();
cs2->addShape(new Circle(12.34567))
ShapeInfoVisitor visitor;
result of `visitor.getResult()`(don't print '\n', it just remind you there has a \n)
CompoundShape {\n
Circle (12.35)\n
CompoundShape {\n
Circle (1.10)\n
Rectangle (3.14 4.00)\n
#### Notes:
- If your code fails to compile on the Jenkins server, you'll get **NO POINT**
for the assignment.
- Your program should be able to handle unexpected input data, that is, you
should do error handling if necessary.
- You should make your unit test fail if the program that should throw an
exception runs without throwing one.
- When writing unit tests, you should take as many situations as possible into
- Discussion is encouraged but the pushed code must be your own.
- Any submission after deadline will not be graded.
- You don't need to delete the tests written before.
- Remember to **RELEASE THE SPACE** you allocate after using it.
- The folder `test/data/` is not necessary, but you can take it for reference.
### File Structure
├── makefile
├── src
│ ├── builder
│ │ ├── scanner.h
│ │ ├── shape_builder.h
│ │ └── shape_parser.h
│ ├── circle.h
│ ├── compound_shape.h
│ ├── iterator
│ │ ├── compound_iterator.h
│ │ ├── iterator.h
│ │ └── null_iterator.h
│ ├── rectangle.h
│ ├── shape.h
│ ├── triangle.h
│ ├── two_dimensional_vector.h
│ └── visitor
│ ├── shape_info_visitor.h
│ └── shape_visitor.h
└── test
├── builder
│ ├── ut_scanner.h
│ ├── ut_shape_builder.h
│ └── ut_shape_parser.h
├── iterator
│ ├── ut_compound_iterator.h
│ └── ut_null_iterator.h
├── ut_circle.h
├── ut_compound_shape.h
├── ut_main.cpp
├── ut_rectangle.h
├── ut_triangle.h
├── ut_two_dimensional_vector.h
└── visitor
└── ut_shape_info_visitor.h
## References
- [C++.com](http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/)
- [std::stack](https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stack/stack/)
## Course Link
Course Link: https://ssl-gitlab.csie.ntut.edu.tw/yccheng/posd2021f
## Environment Setting
Tutorial: https://ssl-gitlab.csie.ntut.edu.tw/course/environment_setting.git