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ASP-Homework 1 Solved

In console application : 

1-             Write a C# program that computes y = sin(2x) + 5cos(x). The program should obtain the value of x from the user and prints the value of y.  


Hint :: use math libraries . (math.sin) – (math.cos)  


2-             Write a C# program that inputs two integers from the keyboard, and prints the sum, difference, product, and division to the screen .  


Hint :: use DataType.Parse  


3-             Write a C# program to find the maximum and minimum number among three integer values entered by the user from the keyboard.  



4-             Write a C# program that accepts a person age and prints to which age category he/ she belongs as described in the table below :  


Hint : Use nested if else structure 




5-             Write a program that accepts the number of the day of the week and displays the name of the corresponding day. Assume Day 1 is Saturday, Day 2 is Monday, and so on. For example if you have entered 1 as your day number, the program should display "The day is Saturday." as the output. 

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