ASAS Homework 2: Convolution and Linear Time-invariant Filtering
1. Averaging and “differencing” (Remarks: Yes, here we are going to use “difference” as a verb). Please first find a piece of music or any sound and read it into MATLAB. Denote the signal as π₯[π].
(a) Check the sampling rate, the number of channels, and the number of bits per sample.
(b) The simplest low-pass filter is to average over consecutive samples; that is, let
1 !
π¦[π] =+ π₯[π − π + 1] ,
π "#$
where π is the order of the filter, and π¦[π] is the output of the filter. Implement this filter and listen to the output. Increase π from 1 to 10 to see if you can hear the difference.
(c) Check your result in (b) against the following results. They should essentially be identical.
y_conv = conv(x, 1/p*ones(p,1));
(d) In fact, the array 1/p*ones(p,1) can be regarded as the impulse response of this FIR
(finite impulse-response) filter. Denote h = 1/p*ones(p,1) and use freqz(h) to plot the frequency response of the filter.
(e) Now, define π¦% = π₯[π] − π₯[π − 1]. Of course this can be done with a “for” loop, but alternatively, please use conv() to do the job.
(f) Set x = 0.1*randn(A_CERTAIN_LENGTH, 1) so it is an instance of Gaussian white noise with mean zero and standard deviation π = 0.1. Listen and compare the result before and after averaging/differencing. Does it feel more unpleasant before or after averaging/differencing? Describe how you feel about it and explain, perhaps, the reason why.
Remark: When you listening to a signal stored in a vector, make sure that its range is between ±1 to avoid clipping effect. Or, alternatively, use soundsc() to avoid clipping. Always remember to specify the sampling rate.
2. Infinite impulse response (IIR). Take any audio signal π₯[π] and for any π 1 implement the following by a for loop,
π¦[π] = πΌπ¦[π − 1] + π₯[π],
Where 0 < |πΌ| < 1 is a constant. You can assume π¦[1] = 0.
(a) Check your result against y = filter([1], [1 -alpha], x).
(b) Create an instance of Gaussian white noise for about 1 second long. Listen and compare the result before and after filtering. (c) Create a periodic impulse train:
π₯[π] = 700.5, , otherwiseif π = 80.π
Where π is an integer. In other words, π₯[π] is non-zero at every 80th sample. Listen and compare the result before and after filtering.
(d) Discuss how to restore π₯[π] from π¦[π]. (Hint: if πΌ is known, it is quite easy. However, if πΌ is unknown, you may need to make assumptions.)