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AISyE65001- Homework 08 Solved

•       Every learner should submit his/her own homework solutions.  However, you are allowed to discuss the homework with each other (in fact, I encourage you to form groups and/or use the forums) – but everyone must submit his/her own solution; you may not copy someone else’s solution.

•       The homework will be peer-graded.  In analytics modeling, there are often lots of different approaches that work well, and I want you to see not just your own, but also others. 

•       The homework grading scale reflects the fact that the primary purpose of homework is learning:


Point value (out of 100)
All correct (perhaps except a few details) with a deeper solution than expected
Most or all correct
Not correct, but a reasonable attempt
Not correct, insufficient effort
Not submitted


Question 11.1


Using the crime data set uscrime.txt from Questions 8.2, 9.1, and 10.1, build a regression model using:

1.     Stepwise regression

2.     Lasso

3.     Elastic net

For Parts 2 and 3, remember to scale the data first – otherwise, the regression coefficients will be on different scales and the constraint won’t have the desired effect.


For Parts 2 and 3, use the glmnet function in R.  


Notes on R:

•       For the elastic net model, what we called λ in the videos, glmnet calls “alpha”; you can get a range of results by varying alpha from 1 (lasso) to 0 (ridge regression) [and, of course, other values of alpha in between].

•       In a function call like glmnet(x,y,family=”mgaussian”,alpha=1) the predictors x need to be in R’s matrix format, rather than data frame format.  You can convert a data frame to a matrix using as.matrix – for example, x <- as.matrix(data[,1:n-1])

•       Rather than specifying a value of T, glmnet returns models for a variety of values of T. 

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