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AIS7 Assignment 1 -Solved
Add your group number, names and code in the given notebooks
Answer all questions that are located in the notebooks
place your comments / conclusion / insights on all executed steps
Assignment 1 - Part B
In part B and Part C you will analyze real data and generate a dataset for your own learning problem. In this part you will analyze the data of a given dataset and train machine learning models on this data.
Add your group number, names and code in the given notebooks
Answer all questions that are located in the notebooks
place your comments / conclusion / insights on all executed steps
Assignment 1 - Part C
In part B and Part C you will analyze real data and generate a dataset for your own learning problem. In this part you will generate your own dataset and you will have to train your models on that data.
Add your group number, names and code in the given notebooks
Answer all questions that are located in the notebooks
place your comments / conclusion / insights on all executed steps
make a short video (max 3 minutes) explaining & showing the process from dataset creation to final result

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