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AI-python-Homework 1: Agent and Infrastructure implementation Solved

Implement “Infastructure” the main{} that runs the “simulation” of the agents Agenti acting in the world:

State/world-situation representation
main(S(t), Ai(t))=S(t+1); main(S(t)){loop{for i : Ai(t)=action(Agenti,S(t));
S(t+1)= for i : apply action Ai(t) on S(t)}}

Implement agents that use the  various Heuristic Search Algorithms...

Instantiate your infrastructure with a single agent to solve a puzzle of your choice (no TICTACTOE...)

Write a report describing your implementations and a statistics over sample runs .

Your statistic should compare the performance of different agents running different Search Algo and/or different heuristic evaluations

Instantiate your infrastructure with two  agents to play a board game

(recommended chess)

(as before main(S(t), Ai(t))=S(t+1); but now agent1 does nothing when t=even and plays a move when t=odd, and viceversa for agent2.

Instructions and recommendations:

1.Keep your implementation as modular as possible, keeping various components  (infrastructure, state representation and computation of agent actions effects, agents, search algo, Heuristic functions…) well separated from each other and/or encapsulated…

For example, it should be possible , given an implementation that plays chess, to use it to play a different game by simply changing the game model (representation and functions)

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