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AI_Prolog - Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 1 - Solved

Task 1:

Get the list of students (IDs & grades in nested lists) who have taken a specific course.


?- studentsInCourse('Robotics', Students).

Students = [[stud06, 62], [stud09, 29]]

?- studentsInCourse('Algorithms', Students).

Students = []

Task 2:

Get the number of students who have taken a specific course.


?- numStudents('Algorithms', Num).

Num = 0

?- numStudents('Math 1', Num).

Num = 4

Task 3:

Get the maximum grade that a specific student was able to obtain.


?- maxStudentGrade(stud10, MaxGrade). MaxGrade = 97

?- maxStudentGrade(stud08, MaxGrade).

MaxGrade = 71

Task 4:

Show a student's grade digits in a specific course as a list of words.


?- gradeInWords(stud04, 'Database', DigitsWords).

DigitsWords = [five, nine]

?- gradeInWords(stud07, 'Math 2', DigitsWords).

DigitsWords = [eight]

?- gradeInWords(stud01, 'Programming 1', DigitsWords).

DigitsWords = [nine, zero]

Task 5:

Get a list containing the sequence of courses that a student needs to take in order to be able to take the target course. The query must only succeed if the student has already taken and successfully passed a course that can directly or indirectly lead to the target.


?- remainingCourses(stud01, 'Advanced Algorithms', Courses).

Courses = ['OOP', 'Data Structures', 'Algorithms'] ?- remainingCourses(stud07, 'Electronics 2', Courses). false.

?- remainingCourses(stud02, 'Networks', Courses).

Courses = []

?- remainingCourses(stud05, 'Computer Architecture', Courses).

Courses = ['Electronics 2']

?- remainingCourses(stud08, 'Data Warehouses', Courses). false.

●     Write your solution in a different file not in "".

●     Don't use any built-in predicates.

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