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AI-Projects Project 4a- Decision Trees Solution


This project is intended to familiarize you with one of the standard approaches to classification problems, decision trees. You will code up decision tree learning and then apply it to several relatively simple problems.
This project has two parts. In the first part, you will code up decision tree learning and test it on various data sets. In the second part, you will provide a writeup discussing the results.
This project will be done in Python. Your submission should consist of your code and your writeup. For the code, it should all be in; follow the standard submission convention you used in projects 1-3 . For the writeup, publish it as a pdf document and include it with your submission as a separate file.
Files you will edit
● Your entire decision tree implementation will be within this file
Files you will not edit
●* Functions for converting the data sets into python data structures
● Helper functions for learning a tree and testing it on test examples
● Acustom autograder to check your code with
Evaluation:Your code will be autograded for technical correctness, using the same autograder and test cases you are provided with. Please do not change the names of any provided functions or classes within the code, or you will wreak havoc on the autograder. You should ensure your code passes all the test cases before submitting the solution, as we will not give any points for a question if not all the test cases for it pass. However, the correctness of your implementation -- not the autograder's judgements -- will be the final judge of your score. Even if your code passes the autograder, we reserve the right to check it for mistakes in implementation, though this should only be a problem if your code takes too long or you disregarded announcements regarding the project. The short answer grading guidelines are explained below.

Decision Tree Learning Implementation
A classification problem is a problem where you classify instances into classes based on their features. For example, given the features length_gt_5, has_teeth, big_and_scary, and flies, we classify into monster or not_monster.
length_gt_5=y, has_teeth=y, big_and_scary=y, flies=n → monster length_gt_5=n, has_teeth=n, big_and_scary=y, flies=y → monster length_gt_5=n, has_teeth=n, big_and_scary=n, flies=n → not_monster length_gt_5=n, has_teeth=n, big_and_scary=y, flies=n → not_monster
A classification problem consists of four variables:
● training-examples: an ordered list of training examples, where each example is an n-dimensional vector
● training-classes: a corresponding ordered list of classification labels, where each label is t (in the class) or nil (not in the class). These should be in the exact same order as the training examples.
● test-examples: similar to training-examples in form, but used strictly for testing purposes.
● test-classes: similar to training-classes in form, but used to evaluate the results of running the algorithm on test-examples
In this project, we have decided to store sets of examples as lists of dictionaries. Each dictionary in a given list corresponds to an example vector in a given dataset and the class associated with it. For example, the monster dataset above will be stored as the following list:

[{‘length_gt_5’:’n’ , ’has_teeth’:’n’ , ’big_and_scary’:’y’ , ’flies’:’y’ , ‘monster’:’y’},
{ ‘length_gt_5’:’n’ , ’has_teeth’:’n’ , ’big_and_scary’:’n’ , ’flies’:’n’ , ‘monster’:’y’},
{‘length_gt_5’:’n’ , ’has_teeth’:’n’ , ’big_and_scary’:’y’ , ’flies’:’n’ , ‘monster’:’n’}, ...]
Though it is typical to store examples as lists/vectors, this form of storage also retains the names of all features. Note that this form of storage enables non-boolean features and classes, which your algorithm will need to support. An example of a dataset with multivalued features and classes is the cars dataset:

[{'maint': 'low', 'persons': 'more', 'lug_boot': 'small', 'safety': 'low', 'doors': '5more', 'buying': 'low', 'label’:unacc',},
{'maint' : 'low', 'persons' : 'more', 'lug_boot' : 'small', 'safety': 'med', 'doors': '5more', 'buying':
'low', 'label’: 'acc'},
{'maint' : 'low','persons' : 'more', 'lug_boot' : 'small', 'safety' : 'high', 'doors' : '5more', 'buying':
'low', 'label': 'good'},
{'maint' : 'low', 'persons': 'more', 'lug_boot' : 'med', 'safety' : 'low', 'doors' : '5more', 'buying' : 'low', 'label’: 'unacc',}, ...]
This, along with the with Connnect4 dataset and two small testing datasets, can all be obtained from The format and contents of the two real datasets can be found in the datasets folder.
To allow for autograding and ease the difficulty of implementing a full Decision Tree, we have prepared a framework of code in that has functions that you need to fill in. The functions have descriptive comments to specify what their functionality is. So for each question, reading those rather than guidelines here will let you know what to code. The questions and associated points are as follows:
Question 1 (2 points): Helper functions
Implement getMostCommonClass, getPertinentExamples, getClassCounts, and getAttributeCounts past the Node and Tree classes in in accordance with the comments. These will be useful later in implementing the information gain functions, and should get you familiar with the format of storing examples as dictionaries. As before, you can run the autograder with python and can specify -q or - t/-- test to check your solutions are correct.
Question 2 (2 points): Entropy functions
To start with, implement setEntropy, remainder, and infoGain in as covered in the book. These are covered in chapter 18.3.4 in the book, with setEntropy being analogous to H. However, note that the book specified H for a boolean variable, so be sure to follow the instructions in the lecture and comments to implement setEntropy for non-boolean variables.
Question 3 (2 points): gini functions
Now that you have completed the standard decision tree learning approach, you will implement another mechanism for splitting attributes, called the GINI index. The gini index function can be used to evaluate the goodness of all the potential split points along all attributes. Consider a dataset S consisting of n records, each belonging to one of c classes. The gini index for the set S is defined as:
gini(S) = 1 − ∑ p2j
where p is the relative frequency of class j in S. If S is partitioned into two subsets S 1 and S2, the index of the partitioned data can be obtained by:
giniD(S,cs) = n1/n · gini(S1) + n2/n · gini(S2)
where n1 and n 2 are the number of examples of S 1 and S 2 , respectively, and cs is the splitting criterion. More generally, if S is divided into n subsets the equation above is a summation from S1 to S n . Here the attribute with the minimum gini index is chosen as the best attribute to split.
The functions to implement for this question are giniIndex and giniGain - be sure to read the comments.
Question 4 (4 points): Decision Tree Learning
With all the above functions in place, you are ready to implement the makeSubtrees method of Note that the trivial makeTree method is provided to you and the implementation of the decision tree construction algorithm is left for you to do in the recursive makeSubtrees. This function should return a Node, which is the root node of the decision tree for the provided set of examples and attributes. You should follow the pseudocode in the book and slides, and have the same base cases. Additional means of testing are provided in with methods such as testDummySet1.
Question 5 (2 points): Decision Tree Classification
With all the above functions in place, you are able to learn the structure of decision trees from data, and just need the function for using the learned tree. The classify function is in the Tree class, and should be implemented after makeSubtrees since it implements the logic for using a tree for classification. This should be a straightforward tree traversal implementation, so if you are not sure how to go about this be sure to conceptually review Decision Trees.

The analysis should be provided in 1-2 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each. Please keep it short and concise we primarily care about you displaying understanding of how Decision Trees fundamentally work, and will grade based on that. More on grading is explained below.
Question 6 (4 points): Performance
Using the method of, find and record classification rate and tree size statistics regarding the two fake data sets, as well as the Cars and Connect4 datasets. You will need to either edit or create a new file to call the functions in, but all the information is provided as soon as you call the functions.
For each data set, describe why you think the decision tree learning performed as it did in terms of accuracy statistics and tree size. Please be specific and justify your claims (ie: if you say there was not enough training data for data set X, or the nature of training data made Decision Tree learning less effective, what makes you think so?). Note that you can inspect the two fake data sets by looking into and finding the lists that contain them, and that you can inspect the real datasets in the datasets folder. To get full credit you should report all the information asked for (classification rate and tree size) for each data set, and briefly give some justification for why each dataset got the results that it did regarding both the classification rate and tree size.
Question 7 (4 points): Applications
For each of the two real datasets that come with this project, explain how their Decision Trees could be used along with other software (another algorithm, or a user- facing GUI) to solve some problem. For the cars dataset, you should suggest a similar dataset and analyze how having a classifier such as a Decision Tree could be useful to something like a website selling products. For the Connect4 dataset, suggest some way in which the classifier could be incorporated with one of the past algorithms we have learned about to make a better Connect4 playing bot. You should discuss both for several sentences, and concretely describe what the dataset could contain and how the corresponding Decision Tree could be used to solve the given problem.
Extra Credit
Question 8 (2 points): Novel Dataset
Explore the UCI Machine Learning Repository or other ML datasets found online, and select a new dataset to try your Decision Tree with. Write a method in called getExtraCreditDataset that is akin to the other get methods we wrote. Submit an additional file called that creates a decision tree on that dataset and prints out tree size and classification rate. If the dataset is too large to include with your submission, include a comment as to where it can be downloaded from. Answer question 6 and 7 (analyzing performance and applicability) for this dataset, and submit your in addition to for the option of extra credit. Additionally, submit the dataset files that you answered these questions for.
Question 9 (2 points): Chi-Squared Pruning
In, implement the makePrunedSubtrees method. This should be just like your makeSubtrees method, except that it include chisquared pruning as described in section 18.3.5 (pages 705-706) in your text.You should compute the Dev(X) sum after choosing the best attribute to split by. You should use chisqprob from scipy.stats.stats in order to convert this sum to the p value that can be compared to the q threshold. This means you need to install scipy in order to be able to check your answer. There are additional test cases for this question, which you can run with python -q q9.

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