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AI Assignment 2 Arithmetic PROLOG Solved
1. To find the sum of all elements of a list.
2. To find the length of a list.
3. *To find the average of all elements of a list using sum and length defined in Problem 1 and 2.
4. To find the maximum number from a list.
5. *To find gcd of two integers.
6. *To generate all integers between two integers N1 and N2, both N1 and N2 included and N2N1.
7. *To count numbers greater than 100.0 in a list.
8. *To split a list of numbers in two lists such that one contains negative numbers and other contains positive numbers.
For the Problems 9 – 13, you can only assume increment by 1 (i. e., +1), decrement by 1 (i. e., -1) and any other predicate defined earlier in 9 – 12.
9. *To recursively add two integers.
10.*To subtract two integers recursively. 11. * To multiply two integers recursively.
12. *To divide two integers recursively and get the quotient.
13. *To find the square root of an integer.
14. * To find N!.
15. *To generate first N Fibonacci numbers.
*marked problems are not done in the class
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