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AER1216- Assignment # 4 Solved

Consider a fixed-wing UAS configuration. Please develop the design and verification process as follows:

Write down the dynamic equations, based on Fig. 4. Assume that theUAS is symmetric along the xz plane (Ixy = Iyz = 0), and ensure the answers are expressed in terms of forces, moments, velocities, angular velocities, mass and moments of inertia
Write down the kinematic equations, based on Fig. 3. Ensure the answers are expressed in terms of Euler angles, velocities, and angular velocities. 
Use linearized forces to estimate X,Y,Z,L,M,N, with the inputs δe,δp,δa,δr (hint: consider aerodynamic derivatives and their equivalent for the control variables).
Express the linearized system (longitudinal and lateral) based on Fig.6. Start from equations presented in the lecture notes. You may assume that all aerodynamic higher-order derivatives are zero except for Mw˙ and Zw˙ . 
Draw a control design diagram (using PID control) for an altitude holdautopilot, based on the longitudinal system.
Draw a control design diagram (using PID control) for a level coordinated turn autopilot, based on the lateral system. 
Draw a simulation diagram where the previously designed control structure is implemented on a nonlinear dynamics model, developed in steps 1-3. 
Consider the nonlinear model defined in steps 1-3, and the linearizedmodel developed in step 4. For each model, provide one reason why the model can be useful in simulation, design or testing of controllers. 
Add your own comments detailing any additional design/simulationconsiderations that you would like to investigate.
The process shall be presented as a development ”recipe” where formulas, equations are specified, and serves as an almost programmable design sheet that the designer can follow to conduct the investigation.

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