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CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System

Modify the payroll system of Figs. 10.4–10.9 to include an additional Employee subclass PieceWorker that represents an employee whose pay is based on the number of pieces of merchandise produced.
Class PieceWorker should contain private instance variables wage (to store the employee’s wage per piece) and pieces (to store the number of pieces produced).

Provide a concrete implementation of method earnings in class PieceWorker that calculates the employee’s earnings by multiplying the number of pieces produced by the wage per piece.

Create an array of Employee variables to store references to objects of each concrete class in the new Employee hierarchy (SalariedEmployee, CommissionEmployee, HourlyEmployee, BasePlusCommissionEmployee, and now PieceWorker).

For each Employee, display its String representation and earnings.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.

// Fig. 10.7:
// CommissionEmployee class extends Employee.

public class CommissionEmployee extends Employee
private double grossSales; // gross weekly sales
private double commissionRate; // commission percentage

// constructor
public CommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
String socialSecurityNumber, double grossSales,
double commissionRate)
super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber);

if (commissionRate <= 0.0 || commissionRate = 1.0) // validate
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Commission rate must be 0.0 and < 1.0");

if (grossSales < 0.0) // validate
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gross sales must be = 0.0");

this.grossSales = grossSales;
this.commissionRate = commissionRate;

// set gross sales amount
public void setGrossSales(double grossSales)
if (grossSales < 0.0) // validate
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gross sales must be = 0.0");

this.grossSales = grossSales;

// return gross sales amount
public double getGrossSales()
return grossSales;

// set commission rate
public void setCommissionRate(double commissionRate)
if (commissionRate <= 0.0 || commissionRate = 1.0) // validate
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Commission rate must be 0.0 and < 1.0");

this.commissionRate = commissionRate;

// return commission rate
public double getCommissionRate()
return commissionRate;

// calculate earnings; override abstract method earnings in Employee
public double earnings()
return getCommissionRate() * getGrossSales();

// return String representation of CommissionEmployee object
public String toString()
return String.format("%s: %s%n%s: $%,.2f; %s: %.2f",
"commission employee", super.toString(),
"gross sales", getGrossSales(),
"commission rate", getCommissionRate());
} // end class CommissionEmployee

// Fig. 10.8:
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee class extends CommissionEmployee.

public class BasePlusCommissionEmployee extends CommissionEmployee
private double baseSalary; // base salary per week

// constructor
public BasePlusCommissionEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
String socialSecurityNumber, double grossSales,
double commissionRate, double baseSalary)
super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber,
grossSales, commissionRate);

if (baseSalary < 0.0) // validate baseSalary
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base salary must be = 0.0");

this.baseSalary = baseSalary;

// set base salary
public void setBaseSalary(double baseSalary)
if (baseSalary < 0.0) // validate baseSalary
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base salary must be = 0.0");

this.baseSalary = baseSalary;

// return base salary
public double getBaseSalary()
return baseSalary;

// calculate earnings; override method earnings in CommissionEmployee
public double earnings()
return getBaseSalary() + super.earnings();

// return String representation of BasePlusCommissionEmployee object
public String toString()
return String.format("%s %s; %s: $%,.2f",
"base-salaried", super.toString(),
"base salary", getBaseSalary());
} // end class BasePlusCommissionEmployee
// Fig. 10.4:
// Employee abstract superclass.

public abstract class Employee
private final String firstName;
private final String lastName;
private final String socialSecurityNumber;

// constructor
public Employee(String firstName, String lastName,
String socialSecurityNumber)
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.socialSecurityNumber = socialSecurityNumber;

// return first name
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;

// return last name
public String getLastName()
return lastName;

// return social security number
public String getSocialSecurityNumber()
return socialSecurityNumber;

// return String representation of Employee object
public String toString()
return String.format("%s %s%nsocial security number: %s",
getFirstName(), getLastName(), getSocialSecurityNumber());

// abstract method must be overridden by concrete subclasses
public abstract double earnings(); // no implementation here
} // end abstract class Employee
// Fig. 10.6:
// HourlyEmployee class extends Employee.

public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee
private double wage; // wage per hour
private double hours; // hours worked for week

// constructor
public HourlyEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
String socialSecurityNumber, double wage, double hours)
super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber);

if (wage < 0.0) // validate wage
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Hourly wage must be = 0.0");

if ((hours < 0.0) || (hours 168.0)) // validate hours
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Hours worked must be = 0.0 and <= 168.0");

this.wage = wage;
this.hours = hours;

// set wage
public void setWage(double wage)
if (wage < 0.0) // validate wage
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Hourly wage must be = 0.0");

this.wage = wage;

// return wage
public double getWage()
return wage;

// set hours worked
public void setHours(double hours)
if ((hours < 0.0) || (hours 168.0)) // validate hours
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Hours worked must be = 0.0 and <= 168.0");

this.hours = hours;

// return hours worked
public double getHours()
return hours;

// calculate earnings; override abstract method earnings in Employee
public double earnings()
if (getHours() <= 40) // no overtime
return getWage() * getHours();
return 40 * getWage() + (getHours() - 40) * getWage() * 1.5;

// return String representation of HourlyEmployee object
public String toString()
return String.format("hourly employee: %s%n%s: $%,.2f; %s: %,.2f",
super.toString(), "hourly wage", getWage(),
"hours worked", getHours());
} // end class HourlyEmployee
// Fig. 10.9:
// Employee hierarchy test program.

public class PayrollSystemTest
public static void main(String[] args)
// create subclass objects
SalariedEmployee salariedEmployee =
new SalariedEmployee("John", "Smith", "111-11-1111", 800.00);
HourlyEmployee hourlyEmployee =
new HourlyEmployee("Karen", "Price", "222-22-2222", 16.75, 40);
CommissionEmployee commissionEmployee =
new CommissionEmployee(
"Sue", "Jones", "333-33-3333", 10000, .06);
BasePlusCommissionEmployee basePlusCommissionEmployee =
new BasePlusCommissionEmployee(
"Bob", "Lewis", "444-44-4444", 5000, .04, 300);

System.out.println("Employees processed individually:");

System.out.printf("%n%s%n%s: $%,.2f%n%n",
salariedEmployee, "earned", salariedEmployee.earnings());
System.out.printf("%s%n%s: $%,.2f%n%n",
hourlyEmployee, "earned", hourlyEmployee.earnings());
System.out.printf("%s%n%s: $%,.2f%n%n",
commissionEmployee, "earned", commissionEmployee.earnings());
System.out.printf("%s%n%s: $%,.2f%n%n",
"earned", basePlusCommissionEmployee.earnings());

// create four-element Employee array
Employee[] employees = new Employee[4];

// initialize array with Employees
employees[0] = salariedEmployee;
employees[1] = hourlyEmployee;
employees[2] = commissionEmployee;
employees[3] = basePlusCommissionEmployee;

System.out.printf("Employees processed polymorphically:%n%n");

// generically process each element in array employees
for (Employee currentEmployee : employees)
System.out.println(currentEmployee); // invokes toString

// determine whether element is a BasePlusCommissionEmployee
if (currentEmployee instanceof BasePlusCommissionEmployee)
// downcast Employee reference to
// BasePlusCommissionEmployee reference
BasePlusCommissionEmployee employee =
(BasePlusCommissionEmployee) currentEmployee;

employee.setBaseSalary(1.10 * employee.getBaseSalary());

"new base salary with 10%% increase is: $%,.2f%n",

"earned $%,.2f%n%n", currentEmployee.earnings());

// get type name of each object in employees array
for (int j = 0; j < employees.length; j++)
System.out.printf("Employee %d is a %s%n", j,
} // end main
} // end class PayrollSystemTest
// Fig. 10.5:
// SalariedEmployee concrete class extends abstract class Employee.

public class SalariedEmployee extends Employee
private double weeklySalary;

// constructor
public SalariedEmployee(String firstName, String lastName,
String socialSecurityNumber, double weeklySalary)
super(firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber);

if (weeklySalary < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Weekly salary must be = 0.0");

this.weeklySalary = weeklySalary;

// set salary
public void setWeeklySalary(double weeklySalary)
if (weeklySalary < 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Weekly salary must be = 0.0");

this.weeklySalary = weeklySalary;

// return salary
public double getWeeklySalary()
return weeklySalary;

// calculate earnings; override abstract method earnings in Employee
public double earnings()
return getWeeklySalary();

// return String representation of SalariedEmployee object
public String toString()
return String.format("salaried employee: %s%n%s: $%,.2f",
super.toString(), "weekly salary", getWeeklySalary());
} // end class SalariedEmployee

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