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Homework 4 – Secure Coding with Oracle Solution

This homework provides an opportunity for the student to write JDBC applications and store those in an Oracle database using a PL/SQL wrapper. The queries will use prepared statements to minimize security concerns.

Assignment: Total 100 points

Using the Schema you developed in Homework 1 for your e-Commerce project, design and implement a JDBC application that runs both as a stand-alone JDBC application and a stored procedure within Oracle using a PL/SQL wrapper.

Your application should provide JDBC functionality demonstrating
a. Inserting a new record into a table using input from the user at run time.
b. Update an existing record in a table using input from the user at run time.
c. Deleting an existing record in table using input from the user at run time.
d. Retrieving records based using input from the user at run time.
Note: using input from the user at run time means that the SQL statements should have a parameter(s) that the user enters at run time.
Be sure your code works as a standalone Java application and then follow the steps to create PL/SQL wrapper and then demonstrate the same functionality running from within Oracle

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