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Programming Project #2  SOLUTION

Assignment Deliverable The deliverable for this assignment is the following file: – the source code for your Python program Be sure to use the specified file name and to submit it for grading via the handin system before the project deadline. Background You will use turtle module (Appendix B) to draw rectangles and squares and use the random module to select random colors to fill the figures. Turtle is a 2D graphics package that uses a Cartesian coordinate system and a “turtle,” which you can imagine has a pen attached to its body. The turtle can move around the plane, drawing as it goes. Program Specifications 1. Your program will prompt for two numbers: • Length (an integer). (The length will be the starting value for the length of a side of a square or the radius of a circle) • Selection (an integer) (1 selects squares; 2 selects circles) • Error checking: you will check that the length is greater than 10 and that the selection input is valid, i.e. 1 or 2. If an error is found, print an appropriate error message and end the program without drawing any figures. Do your error checking after both values are input. (Assume that the user will input an integer; if something other than an integer is input, it is fine for Python to halt your program with an error—we will learn a good way to handle that later.) 2. Your program will draw a series of figures (squares or circles, depending on the selection) that are decreasing in size and will stop drawing when the size is less than 10. After drawing a figure decrease the size by some value that you have encoded in your program (you get to choose the value). 3. After drawing all the figures, delay the termination of the turtle window with these two lines of code (they assume that you have included the time module). time.sleep(5) turtle.bye() 4. As an academic requirement your program must use at least one if statement, at least one for statement and at least one while statement. Assignment Notes: Getting Started 1. Divide-and-conquer is an effective problem solving strategy. Consider taking these steps in designing your program. Get each step working before moving on to the next. Start with the sample program that we provide (rename it to a. Modify the program so that it draws one square (instead of the line)—this should have a random color. Hint: use for. b. Add input to specify the length of the side of the one square. c. Wrap a while loop around that code so that it will draw a series of rectangles decreasing in size until the length of the side is less than 10. (Ensure that each rectangle has a random color.) d. Use copy and paste to copy that code within your program and modify it to draw a series of circles decreasing in size. (The resulting code will draw rectangles and then draw circles.) e. Add input to select squares or circles. Then wrap an if-else statement around your code to use the input to choose to draw squares or circles. f. Add error checking. Hint: wrap an if-else statement around your code. Check one of the conditions first, e.g. length is greater than 10. Once that is working add a check for the selection. Consider using the Boolean operators and, or and not. 2. Test your program. Begin using values from the Sample Interaction, but do more tests than that. 3. If your turtle drawing window doesn’t disappear, try one or both of these steps: a. Enter turtle.bye() in the IPython shell window. b. In the upper right corner of the IPython shell window is a small icon that yields a drop down selector with choices “Interrupt Kernel” and “Restart Kernel”. Try “Interrupt Kernel” and if that doesn’t work “Restart Kernel” will. Sample Interaction

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