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Goal setting

Question 1 of 20
5.0 Points
Goal setting:
A. is only important in online learning.
B. gives direction and standards for achieving one’s purpose.
C. is keeping in mind what you want to do.
D. is simply writing what you want to achieve and then put it away. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 2 of 20
5.0 Points
Setting goals is futile if:
A. you do not stick to it.
B. you are committed.
C. you are only motivated by others.
D. you do not do it right. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 3 of 20
5.0 Points
When a goal states a quantifiable indicator of its achievement such as a target date, it is:
A. attainable.
B. realistic.
C. measurable.
D. specific. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 4 of 20
5.0 Points
Which of the following is a specific goal?
A. I will pass as many of my courses as possible.
B. I will finish my college degree.
C. I will devote Wednesday this week to work on my English research paper.
D. To become a doctor is my goal. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 5 of 20
5.0 Points
Which goal is realistic?
A. I will make $100,000 a year on my first job as a business major.
B. I will be a lawyer in three years after high school.
C. I can get by in college maintaining a grade point average of 2.5.
D. I will get an A average by studying no less than 30 hours a week. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 6 of 20
5.0 Points
An action step in the goal-setting process refers to:
A. how many steps are involved in the goal-setting process.
B. specifying exactly what you are going to do to achieve your goal.
C. the “what” you are trying to achieve.
D. the step you take once you have achieved your goal. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 7 of 20
5.0 Points
One way to remind you of your goals is to:
A. keep them in a safe place.
B. save them in the computer so you will not lose them.
C. put them where you can see and read them often.
D. let a friend keep them for you to remind you. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 8 of 20
5.0 Points
One way to look at goal setting is:
A. it is an exercise in futility.
B. it is useful while at school.
C. it is easy to write, harder to do.
D. it is a road map to getting where you want to go. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 9 of 20
5.0 Points
Efficient time management is essential to get things done because time:
A. is a limited resource.
B. is stressful.
C. costs money.
D. is a way to control our disorganization. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 10 of 20
5.0 Points
Managing time means:
A. keeping an eye on time.
B. knowing and monitoring how you spend and use time.
C. scheduling your activities.
D. listing things to do. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 11 of 20
5.0 Points
Cramming for exams and turning in late assignments are good indications of the habit of:
A. the late-nighter.
B. procrastination.
C. lack of prioritization.
D. disorganization. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 12 of 20
5.0 Points
This time management tool is used for recording how you spend your time daily.
A. To-Do List
B. Calendar
C. Activity log
D. Planner Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 13 of 20
5.0 Points
You save time when you designate a study space or area because:
A. you are not as apt to lose things.
B. you can read better.
C. you can cover more studying when you are concentrating and not distracted.
D. you have more peace and quiet. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 14 of 20
5.0 Points
Your best study time is:
A. the time when you can access the Internet.
B. the time when it is most quiet.
C. the time when you are alert, productive, and can concentrate best.
D. either morning or afternoon when you have the time. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 15 of 20
5.0 Points
Taking breaks in between studying:
A. is a waste of time.
B. is a procrastinating strategy.
C. saves time because it refreshes your mind.
D. not a good thing when you are cramming. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 16 of 20
5.0 Points
Rest and nutrition are as important to good time management because:
A. when you sleep and eat well, your brain functions better and can grasp more material.
B. lack of sleep and eating bad foods may cause sickness.
C. lack of sleep and eating bad foods affects organization.
D. when you sleep and eat well, you are healthy. Reset SelectionMark for Review What's This?
Question 17 of 20
5.0 Points
When prioritizing your study period, the best strategy is to:
A. study the least enjoyable subject or assignment first.
B. start with the easier subject o

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