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3013-Algorithms Program 3 - Processing in Trie Tree Time Solution

Trie Time Lookup
A Trie (also known as a Prefix Tree or Digital Tree) is a tree-like data structure that is commonly used for fast string searching and retrieval. It is typically used for problems that involve working with strings, such as searching for a word in a dictionary or storing a set of words with efficient prefix searching.
The basic idea of a Trie is to store strings as a tree structure, where each node in the tree represents a single character in the string. The root of the tree represents the empty string, and each child of a node represents a single character in the string. The edges between nodes are labeled with the characters that connect the nodes.
Each node in the Trie can also have a boolean value that indicates whether the node represents the end of a string or not. For example, in a Trie that stores a set of words, the boolean value of a node would be true if the node represents the end of a word, and false otherwise.
One of the key advantages of a Trie is its speed in searching for words or prefixes. To search for a word, we start at the root of the Trie and follow the edges corresponding to the characters of the word. If we reach a node with a boolean value of true, then the word is in the Trie. If we reach a node that does not have a child corresponding to the next character in the word, then the word is not in the Trie.
Similarly, to search for all words with a given prefix, we can start at the root of the Trie and follow the edges corresponding to the prefix. We then perform a depth-first search of the subtree rooted at the prefix node, adding each word that we encounter to a list.
Some common applications of Tries include:
Autocomplete and spelling correction in text editors and search engines
Searching for a word in a dictionary
Storing sets of words with efficient prefix searching
Routing in computer networks and IP address lookup Parsing text and regular expressions
Implementation Found Here:
Necessary Files
Same as P02.
Same as P02.
Using a Trie (implementation of one is given here) perform the same "auto suggestions" we did with the linked list data structure in P02. The goal of this project is to show the speed up that should be gained by choosing a proper data structure to solve the problem. We used a linked list for the previous implementation, and now we are choosing to use a Trie which is designed for just the type of searching we are performing.
Write a program that will read in a dictionary file from dict_w_defs.json and store it in a Trie Tree.
Trie's are implemented somewhat differently than our previous data structures.
Time how long it takes to load the data into your Trie tree.
After your dictionary (Trie) is loaded, we are going to perform "autosuggestions" when a user types characters at the console.
Suggestions will start after 1 character is typed, however only the top 10 suggestions will be printed along with the total number of matching words (example output below).
The time it takes to find each suggestion will be displayed in seconds.
Output Example
User types the word ste
Below the word the number of words found and the amount of time in seconds will be printed
Only print out the first 10 words of the matching words
``` ste
62 words found in 0.013 seconds stead steadfast steadfastly steadfastness steadied steadier steadies steadiest steadily steadiness ```
User types the word steel
``` steel
18 words found in 0.003 seconds steel steele steeled steelers steeles steelhead steelie steelier steelies steeliness ```
Create a folder called P03 in your assignments folder. ALL files used in this project should be in that folder.
The only documents you need to print and turn in are:
Any source code YOU wrote (commented as directed here)
4 screen shots (fitted to one page)
If your banner is wrong: -1 letter grade. The banner is to keep your programs organized. Or I can stop taking late work ...
Example Screen Shot
Of course your screens will differ slightly, however they should fit on one page
Be readable and have four examples
Also the text in my screenshots is small, try and make yours larger even if the words wrap

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