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3013-Algorithms Assignment 3 - Basic Project Organization Solution

Part 1 : Banner
Part 2:
This assignment is to emphasize the importance of organizing a programming project above and beyond the "code" itself. If someone cannot decipher your code, they rely on comments. If someone cannot run your code, they rely on instructions. If someone wants to use something you wrote in their own project (non academically!) they will rely on good comments, a good description of the project, and good instructions on how to use your project. From my standpoint, I need these things to grade projects with minimal issues. All of this will make more sense as the semester goes on, and you see how we utilize command line parameters and external libraries in our projects.
Comment A Program
Using the main.cpp file in this folder,
Apply the proper comments using the guidelines from here: comments.
Create a file. Normally it should be in accordance with this guide. But you can do something more like this (cut and past if you like, and change your name).
A04 - Commenting Code
Your Name
This program implements a list data structure that links together nodes of integers. It does more stuff, but we don't need to write that here.
| # | File | Description | | :---: | -------- | -------------------------------- | | 1 | main.cpp | Main driver of my list program . |
This program does not require any non standard libraries
Example Command
None for now.
Upload Your Commented Program
Create a folder in your Assignments folder called A04
Create a banner: 2143 A04 YOURNAME
Place your commented main.cpp file into this A04 folder.
Your Assignments Folder
Every time you upload a new assignment to your Github repo, it should be in a folder with the name given to it by the assignment.
Each folder should begin with its assignment number. This will keep the folders in order after creation and upload.
Your folder will also have a file in its root. This will contain a table that is basically a "directory" for every assignment in the assignments folder. Below is an example (link will not work since the Assignments folder is not in my repo):
| Number | Folder | Description | | :----: | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | 01 | A03 | Assignment to ensure proper commenting and README creation. |
You will bring this assignment to class with the next assignment. So read on ...

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