program to input a purchase amount and calculate the sales tax Solution
1) Write a program to input a purchase amount and calculate the sales tax and total due. The sales tax depends on the county identifying code. Counties with a number less than 20 have a 5% sales tax. The 21�35 codes have a sales tax of 6%. Codes above 35 have a sales tax of 7%. The purchase amount and county code are entered by the user. Use a loop to validate that the county code is between 10 and 40. Display the amount of the sales tax and the total.
2) Write a C# loop that counts down from 100 to 10 by 5s.
3) A department store is having a customer appreciation sale. Depending on the total dollars purchased, the customer could receive a discount on his or her total purchases. You are to develop pseudocode or C# code that will obtain the total dollars purchased from the user, determine the discount percentage, and display the total amount due. When the purchases are more than $400, the discount is 8%. When the purchases are $400 or less, the discount is 5%.
PART 2 (10 points): Create a function called calcDiscount that will calculate and return the discount amount. Write the function and call it in the code.