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108-2-DSD- Digital System Design: Homework 2 Solved

Problem 1. 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) (40%)
In problem 1, you have to design an 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU). The input and output ports are defined in Figure 1. The functions of ALU are defined in Table 1.

                                    x [7:0]

                              y[7:0]                                                                        ctrl[3:0]

Figure 1

Table 1
Control Signal(ctrl)
out = x + y 
out = x - y 
Bitwise And
out = and(x, y)
Bitwise Or
out = or(x , y)
Bitwise Not
out = not(x)
Bitwise Xor
out = xor(x , y)
Bitwise Nor
out = nor(x , y)
Shift left logical variable
out = y << x[2:0]
Shift right logical variable
out = y >> x[2:0]
Shift right arithmetic
out ={x[7],x[7:1]}
Rotate left
out = {x[6:0] , x[7]}
Rotate right
out = {x[0] , x[7:1]}
out = (x==y)?1:0
NOP (No operation)
out = 0
NOP (No operation)
out = 0
NOP (No operation)
out = 0

“carry” only needs to be considered in ” Add(signed)”, ” Sub(signed)”. As for the other functions, “carry” can be arbitrary.
carry is defined as the 9th bit of the result of 8-bit signed addition
e.g. x=1001_0110 and y=0010_1101 → x+y=1_1100_0011 → carry=1 


(1) (10%)

Use Verilog to implement the RT-level (use continuous assignment, assign) model of the 8-bit ALU. Modify the “alu_assign.v” file, which contains the module name and input/output ports. Use the given testbench, “alu_assign_tb.v” to verify your design. Use the following command for simulation:

                       ncverilog alu_assign_tb.v alu_assign.v +access+r


(2) (10%)

Use Verilog to implement the RT–level (use procedural assignment, always block) model of the 8-bit ALU. The input and output ports are the same as the previous one. Modify the “alu_always.v” file, and use the given testbench, “alu_always_tb.v” to verify your design. Use the following command for simulation


                            ncverilog alu_always_tb.v alu_always.v +access+r


(3) (20%)

The given two testbenches “alu_assign_tb.v” “alu_always_tb.v” don’t check all the required functions of the ALU. You need to modify the two given testbenches and rename them to “alu_assign_tb2.v” and “alu_always_tb2.v”, respectively (They are the same but for different modules!). Use your modified testbenches to verify if all functions of your design are correct. Show the waveform results and describe how you verify the correctness in your report. If how you execute your testbench is different from 1-(1) and 1-(2), please provide a README so that TA can correctly test your design.

Problem 2. 8x8 Register File (40%)
A register file consists of a set of registers that can be read or written. There are 8 registers in this register file, and the width of each register is 8-bits. The input and output ports are described in Figure 2. 


                                                     WEN RW RX RY


You must follow these specifications:

I/O Port FunctionalitybusW: 8 bits input data bus
busX、busY: 8 bits output data buses
WEN: active high write enable (WEN==1)
RW: select one of 8 registers to be written
RX: select one of 8 registers to be read, output on busX
RY: select one of 8 registers to be read, output on busY

Register File (1) 8 registers.$r0~$r7
$r0=zero (constant zero, don’t care any write operation)

Write OperationThe data on busW will be written into a specified register synchronously on positive edge of Clk 
RW is the index of register to be written.

Read OperationThe register file behaves as a combinational logic block when reading
Read the data in the register file synchronously

Implement the register file in Verilog. Modify “register_file.v”, which contains the module name and input/output ports. 


Write the testbench (“register_file_tb.v”) to verify your design. Show the waveform results and describe how you verify the correctness in your report. Use the following command for simulation:



ncverilog register_file_tb.v register_file.v +access+r

Problem 3. Simple Calculator (20%)
Combine the previous two designs (ALU, Register File) into a simple calculator unit. You can use this unit to execute some simple programs. The input and output ports are defined in Figure 3. And there is a control signal “Sel” to select which data is input to ALU. 

When Sel = 0, DataIn is passed to port x of ALU.
When Sel = 1, the data loaded to port x of ALU is from the register file.
Figure 3 You must define the following ports in your design:

Input PortClk
Output PortbusY
(1) (20%)

Use the previous two modules to implement the simple calculator unit (“simple_calculator.v”).        After     finishing          the       calculator,       use       testbench (“simple_calculator_tb.v”) to test the correctness of your design. Use the following command for simulation:

 ncverilog simple_calculator_tb.v simple_calculator.v +access+r

In your report, you should include the following parts
ALU: Screenshot the waveform result in nWave of alu_assign & alu_always, describe how you verify the correctness.
8x8 Register File: Screenshot the waveform result in nWave of register_file, describe how you verify the correctness.
Describe what you found (bonus 5%): Write down what you found. Feel free to share your experience. (Ex: some mistakes you spend a lot of time, your environment, naming method) Anything you feel is special. The points depend on your answers!

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