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10.009 Week 4 Solution

Problem Set 4 (for Week 4)
• Problems: Homework: Same as for the cohort session problems.
• Problems: Exercises: These are practice problems and will not be graded. You are encouraged to solve these to enhance your programming skills. Being able to solve these problems will likely help you prepare for the midterm examination.
1. Learn nested lists.
2. Learn how to create and use nested lists as tables.
3. Learn how to use looping to process lists.
4. Learn how to traverse sublists.
5. Learn tuples.
6. Learn to use the dictionary data structure.
Problems: Cohort sessions
1. Lists: The following problems test your knowledge of lists in Python. There is no need to write a program for these, but you can verify your answers by writing programs. Write ’E’ if the code returns any error (or any errors for that line for parts d, e, and f).
(a) Specify the value of x[0] at the end the following code snippet.
x=[1,2,3] x[0]=0 y=x y[0]=1
(b) Specify the value of x[0] after the following code snippet.
x=[1,2,3] def f(l): l[0]=‘a’
(c) What is the value of a[0][0][0][0] after executing the following code snippet?
Write ‘E’ if there are any errors.
x=[1,2,3] y=[x] a=[y,x] y[0][0] = (1,2)
(d) Specify the values of expressions (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the following code.
x=[1,2,3] y1=[x,0] y2=y1[:] y2[0][0]=0 y2[1]=1 y1[0][0] # (a) y1[1] # (b) y2[0][0] # (c) y2[1] # (d)
(e) Specify the values of expressions (a), (b), (c) and (d) in the following code.
import copy x=[1,2,3] y1=[x,0] y2=copy.deepcopy(y1) y2[0][0]=0 y2[1]=1 y1[0][0] # (a) y1[1] # (b) y2[0][0] # (c) y2[1] # (d)
(f) What is the value of l after steps (a), (b), (c) and (d) below?
l=[1,2,3] l[2:3]=4 # (a) l[1:3]=[0] # (b) l[1:1]=1 #(c) l[2:]=[] # (d)
2. Functions: Compound value: Suppose you deposit $100 on the first day of each month into a savings account with an annual interest rate of 5%. The bank calculates the interest gained and credits the amount to you at the end of the month. The monthly interest rate is 0.05/12=0.00417. At the end of the first month, the value in the account is
100 ∗ (1 + 0.00417) = 100.417
At the end of the second month, the value in the account is
(100 + 100.417) ∗ (1 + 0.00417) = 201.252
At the end of the third month, the value in the account is
(100 + 201.252) ∗ (1 + 0.00417) = 302.507
and so on.
Write a function named compound_value_months that takes in a monthly saving amount, an annual interest rate, and the number of months (n), and returns the account value at the end of the nth month. Round the return value to 2 decimal places. Note: this problem is similar to one of the problems you did in the past. The only different is that the number of months here can be any integer n, thus requiring you to use loops.
>>> ans=compound_value_months(100,0.05,6)
>>> print(ans)
>>> ans=compound_value_months(100,0.03,7)
>>> print(ans)
>>> ans=compound_value_months(200,0.05,8)
>>> print(ans)
>>> ans=compound_value_months(200,0.03,1)
>>> print(ans)
3. Loops: Write a function named find_average that takes in a list of lists as an input. Each sublist contains numbers. The function returns a list of the averages of each sublist, and the overall average. Please do not round your answer. If the sublist is empty, take the average to 0.0.
For example, if the input list is [[3,4],[5,6,7],[−1,2,3]], the program returns the list [3.5,6.0,1.333], and the overall average 3.625, calculated by summing all the numbers in all the sublists and dividing this total sum by the total count of all the numbers.
>>> ans=find_average([[3,4],[5,6,7],[-1,2,8]])
>>> print(ans)
([3.5, 6.0, 3.0], 4.25)
>>> ans=find_average([[13.13,1.1,1.1],[],[1,1,0.67]])
>>> print(ans)
([5.11, 0.0, 0.89], 3.0)
>>> ans=find_average([[3.6],[1,2,3],[1,1,1]])
>>> print(ans)
([3.6, 2.0, 1.0], 1.8)
>>> ans=find_average([[2,3,4],[2,6,7],[10,5,15]])
>>> print(ans)
([3.0, 5.0, 10.0], 6.0)
4. Lists and nested loops: Use of a nested list in Python allows you to implement a data structure as a 2-dimensional matrix along with various matrix operations. Write a function named transpose_matrix, which takes a n x m integer matrix (i.e. a list with n items each of which is a list of m integer items) as an argument, and returns its transposed matrix. For example:
>>> a = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
>>> transpose_matrix(a)
[[1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9]]
Use a nested for-loop (i.e. a for loop inside a for loop) appropriately to implement this. You are not allowed to use any built-in transpose function from any libraries.
5. Dictionary: Write a function named get_details that takes in a name, a key search, and a list. The list contains a list of phone book entries, where each entry is a dictionary. For example
>>> phonebook=[{‘name’:‘Andrew’, ‘mobile_phone’:9477865, ‘ office_phone’:6612345, ‘email’:‘’},{‘name’:‘ Bobby’,‘mobile_phone’:8123498, ‘office_phone’:6654321, ‘email’: ‘’}]
The function returns the value of the key search requested for that particular name. It should return None if either the name or the key is not found. For example:
>>> print(get_details(‘Andrew’, ‘mobile_phone’, phonebook)) 9477865
>>> print(get_details(‘Andrew’, ‘email’, phonebook))
>>> print(get_details(‘Bobby’, ‘office_phone’, phonebook)) 6654321
>>> print(get_details (‘Chokey’, ‘office_phone’, phonebook)) None
6. Dictionary: Write a function named get_base_counts that takes a DNA string as an input. The input string consists of letters A, C, G, and T (upper case only). The function returns the count of the number of times each of the four letters A, C, G, and T appear in the input string, in the form of a dictionary. For any input string with letters other than
A, C, T, and G, the function will return ‘The input DNA string is invalid’. Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: ‘AACCGT’
Test case 2 {‘A‘: 2, ‘C’: 2, ‘G‘: 1, ‘T’: 1}
Input: ‘AACCG’
Test case 3 {‘A‘: 2, ‘C’: 2, ‘G‘: 1, ‘T’: 0}
Input: ‘AAB’
Test case 4 ‘The input DNA string is invalid’
Input: ‘AaCaGT’
Output: ‘The input DNA string is invalid’
Problems: Homework
(a) Use the get_conversion_table() function you have written to generate a conversion table for values of degree Fahrenheit. You need to convert for each of the following values: F=0, 10, 20, ···, 100. The conversion table should be in the form of [[F, C, CApprox], [F, C, CApprox], ···], where F is the temperature in degree Fahrenheit; C is the corresponding temperature in degree Celsius to 1 decimal place, and CApprox is the approximate temperature in degree Celsius to 1 decimal place.
>>> print(get_conversion_table())
[[0, -17.8, -15.0], [10, -12.2, -10.0], [20, -6.7, -5.0],
[30, -1.1, 0.0], [40, 4.4, 5.0], [50, 10.0, 10.0], [60,
15.6, 15.0], [70, 21.1, 20.0], [80, 26.7, 25.0], [90,
32.2, 30.0], [100, 37.8, 35.0]]
(b) Use get_conversion_table() function you have written to generate a conversion table for values of degree Fahrenheit. You need to do this for each of the following values: F=0, 10, 20, ···, 100. The conversion table should be in the form of [[F, F,
···], [C, C, ···], [CApprox, CApprox, ···]].
>>> print(get_conversion_table())
[[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100], [-17.8, -12.2,
-6.7, -1.1, 4.4, 10.0, 15.6, 21.1, 26.7, 32.2, 37.8], [-15.0, -10.0, -5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0,
30.0, 35.0]]
(c) Can you use one of the functions you implemented in one of the cohort exercises to easily convert between the two forms of tables?
2. Write a function named max_list which takes a two-level nested list of integers, inlist, as an input, and outputs a list, outlist, such that outlist[i] is the maximum of all numbers in inlist[i]. You can assume that inlist and all nested lists are never empty.
>>> inlist = [[1,2,3],[4,5]]
>>> print(max_list(inlist))
[3, 5]
>>> inlist = [[1,2,3],[4,5],[32,3,4]]
>>> print(max_list(inlist))
[3, 5, 32]
>>> inlist = [[3,4,5,2],[1,7],[8,0,-1],[2]]
>>> print(max_list(inlist))
[5, 7, 8, 2]
>>> inlist = [[100],[1,7],[-8,-2,-1],[2]]
>>> print(max_list(inlist))
[100, 7, -1, 2]
>>> inlist = [[3,4,5,2]]
>>> print(max_list(inlist))
3. Write a Python function named multiplication_table that takes a value n and returns an n by n multiplication table. For instance, if n is seven, your program will return a table
as follows.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
3 6 9 12 15 18 21
4 8 12 16 20 24 28
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
6 12 18 24 30 36 42
7 14 21 28 35 42 49
The first element of the nested list should be a list that represents the first row of the table, the second element represents the second row and so on. For n < 1, your function should return the value None.
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: n=7
Test case 2 [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14], [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21],
[4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28], [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35],
[6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42], [7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49]]
Input: n=1
Output: Test case 3 [[1]]
Input: n=0
Output: Test case 4 None
Input: n=2
Output: Test case 5 [[1, 2], [2, 4]]
Input: n=-1
Output: None
4. Dictionary: Write a function named most_frequent that takes in a list of integers and returns a list of the ones that have the most occurrences. If more than one number have the most number of occurrences, all of them should be reported. You can assume that the input list is never empty. You should also not sort the list beforehand. For example:
input=[2,3,40,3,5,4,-3,3,3,2,0] most_frequent = [3]
input=[9,30,3,9,3,2,4] most_frequent = [9, 3]
5. Dictionary: A polynomial can be represented by a dictionary. Write a function diff for differentiating such polynomials. diff takes a polynomial as a dictionary argument and returns the dictionary representation of its the derivative. If p denotes the polynomial as a dictionary and dp a dictionary representing its derivative, we have |dp[j-1] = j∗p[j] for j running over all keys in p, except when j equals 0. Here is an example of the use of diff
>>> p={0:-3, 3:2, 5:-1}
>>> diff(p) {2:6, 4:-5}
In the above example, the dictionary p={0:-3,3:2,5:-1}
means that the 0th coefficient is -3, the 3rd coefficient is 2, and the 5th coefficient is -1. This can be written as
p(x) = −x5 + 2x3 − 3 (1)
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: p={0:-3, 3:2, 5:-1}
Test case 2 {2: 6, 4: -5}
Input: p={1:-3, 3:2, 5:-1, 6:2}
Test case 3 {0:-3, 2:6, 4:-5, 5:12}
Input: p={0:-3, 3:2, 8:2}
Test case 4 {2:6, 7:16}
Input: p={0:-4, 2:12, 3:-2, 4:3, 8:2}
Test case 5 {1:24, 2:-6, 3:12, 7:16}
Input: p={0:-3, 1:12, 2:-2, 3:2, 10:2}
Output: {0:12, 1:-4, 2:6, 9:20}
Problems: Exercises
1. bool, tuple, None: The following problems test your knowledge of bool, tuple and NoneType types. There is no need to write a program for these but you can verify your answer by writing programs.
(a) What are the types of a and b?
a=(1) b=(1,)
(b) List from the variables below those that will return False when converted to bool.
a=‘abc’ b=0+0j c=(1,) d=‘’ e=‘None’ f=None
(c) What will be the values of the expressions at lines indicated by (a), (b) and (c) below?
t=(1,2,3) t+t # (a) t*2 # (b) t[1:-1] # (c)
2. Loops: Two words of equivalent length “interlock‘’ if alternating letters from each word forms a new word, starting with the first word inputted (word1). For example, “shoe‘’ and “cold‘’ interlock to form “schooled‘’. Write a function named interlock which takes (word1, word2, word3) as the input and returns True if and only if word1 and word2 interlocks and generates word3. Return False if word1, word2, or word3 are left blank. Note that words not of equivalent length will never interlock. Similarly, empty strings are not words and thus cannot interlock.
Test Cases:
Test case 1
Input: word1=‘shoe’, word2=‘cold’, word3=‘schooled’
Output: Test case 2 True
Input: word1=‘shoes’, word2=‘cold’, word3=‘schooled’
Output: Test case 3 False
Input: word1=‘’, word2=‘cold’, word3=‘schooled’
Output: Test case 4 False
Input: word1=‘shoes’, word2=‘cold’, word3=‘’
Output: Test case 5 False
Input: word1=‘’, word2=‘’, word3=‘’
Output: Test case 6 False
Input: word1=‘can’, word2=‘his’, word3=‘chains’
Output: True
3. Write a function named throw_dice to estimate the probability of getting at least one 6 when throwing n die, where n is the number of dice thrown. Take n and the number of experiments, nExp as inputs. When throwing n dice, you should break the loop and move to the next experiment as soon as the one of them is a 6. Round the returned value to 2 decimal places. Read up on Python’s random library and use random.randint() to generate values for the die, to simulate the rolling of die.
Test Cases:
>>> pi_approx_monte_carlo(100) pi = 3.36
>>> pi_approx_monte_carlo(100000) pi = 3.15
>>> pi_approx_monte_carlo(10000000) (takes approx. 7 seconds) pi = 3.14
5. Somebody suggests the following game: For 1 dollar you are allowed to throw four die. If the sum of all the eyes on the die is less than 9, you win r dollars. Otherwise, you lose your investment. Should you play this game when r = 10? Answer the question by making a function named game that simulates this game. Read r and the number of experiments N as inputs. The function should return True, if the answer is ‘Yes’ or False, if the answer is ‘No’. Use random.randint() to generate the value reflected on teh eye of each dice
after rolling it.
6. Previously, we used the Euler‘s method to obtain a first order approximation of ODE. However, Euler’s method is not very accurate. In practice, an improved Euler’s method known as the second-order Runge-Kutta method has been found to work very well in many applications. The second-order Runge-Kutta method from tn to tn+1 is given by

where h is the step size and dy dt = f(t,y). Now, write a function approx_ode2 by implementing the Runge-Kutta method, taking in h,t0,y0 and tn as parameters. Use it to find the approximate values of y(t) for the following initial value problem (IVP):

from t = 0 to t = 5 at a time interval of 0.1. The function to calculate )) is
Since the above IVP can be solved exactly by the integrating factor method to obtain y(t) =
, compare your solutions obtained using approx_ode2 (Runge-Kutta method)
with that obtained using approx_ode (Euler’s method) by finding the approximation error values up to 3 decimal places.
End of Problem Set 4.

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