Fun with shapes
The goal of the exercise is to implement a family of classes
of two-dimensional shapes. You should implement a fifile shapes.h and a fifile
shapes.cpp and upload them into CodeJudge. Our test cases will use those
fifiles (see also the example in class).
The following classes must be implemented: Shape, Rectangle, Square and
Circle. There are several possibilities for the design of the classes. Try to think
what are the possibilities for inheritance relations among the classes and how
to reduce the amount of code. Further hints are provided in the test programs
and in the related live code example.
The classes should provide some common methods:
• Constructors: Rectangle objects are constructed from two doubles, that
specify height and width, respectively; Square objects are constructed
from one double, that specififies the length of the sides; Circle objects are
constructed from one double, that specififies the radius.
• area should return the area of the shape;
• perimeter should return the perimeter of the shape;
• height should return the height of the shape;
• width should return the width of the shape;
• rotate should have the effffect of rotating a shape by 90 degrees. This may
have no effffect on some shapes;
Further hints can be deduced from the test programs and from the example
used in class.
Challenge. Putting two rectangles of the same height side-by-side yields a
new rectangle (possibly a square one). How would you implement such a func
tionality? Also, you could consider the exam example in CampusNet, which
contains a related exercise in which the goal is to implement a class of regular